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    EPLAN.Harness.API.Exceptions Namespace
    In This Topic
    This namespace contains various exceptions.
    Class The exception that is thrown when you try to set a cable unit to an occurrence that already has a defined cable unit.
    ClassThe exception that is thrown when you trying to insert raster with positions into drawing which already contains one.
    Class Argument is invalid. The exception is thrown when a wrong argument is passed to the method or the setter of property.
    Class Argument is null.
    ClassThe exception that is thrown when you to merge bundles in a cross, i. e. more than two bundles.
    Class Revisioned document cannot be revisioned.
    Class The exception that is thrown when you try to route a cable wire.
    ClassThe exception that is thrown when you try to split a bundle in a control point which is not on the bundle.
    Class The exception that is thrown when there is a problem with the connection of an occurrence.
    Class The exception that is thrown when the two edge control points do not lie side by side.
    Class This directory was not found.
    Class This document is not a revision.
    Class Document was saved with an unsupported version of HpD.
    Class The exception that is thrown when electrical configuration with this name already exists in this variant.
    Class The exception that is thrown when an electrical option with this name already exists in this project.
    Class This name is already taken. Pick a different one.
    Class The exception that is thrown when a user-defined property with this name already exists on this object.
    Class The exception that is thrown when the property is empty.
    ClassThe file has been modified before writing.
    Class This file is not opened.
    Class The exception that is thrown when the file has the wrong extension.
    Class File you are trying to open is locked by another user.
    Class This file was not found.
    Class File you are trying to read is not readable.
    ClassYou can not perform this action on a document opened as read only.
    Class The file is open.
    Class Base HpD Api Exception.
    ClassApi is not in an initialized state. You can get current state from EPLAN.Harness.API.HpdApi.Status property. If API is uninitialized, you can initialize it by calling EPLAN.Harness.API.HpdApi.Init method. If API is in failed state, you can not resurrect it.
    Class HpD API is not uninitialized. It is either already initialized or failed.
    ClassVersion of the API assembly (ApiVersion) is different from the version of linked Harness proD (HpDVersion).
    ClassCould not load the HpD. Is HpdPath incorrect?
    Class The exception that is thrown when the part type is not supported in the method.

    Internal error of HpD or HpD API.

    IMPORTANT: Throwing this exception changes HpD Api's state to Failed.

    Class The exception that is thrown when the file name contains characters which are not allowed.
    ClassThe exception that is thrown when you try to set an incompatible value into this property.
    Class The exception is thrown when the key was not found in the dictionary.
    Class The exception that is thrown when the active library is not found or the active library is empty.
    Class The exception that is thrown when the library has the wrong version.
    Class This operation was denied because of your license.
    Class The exception that is thrown when the project has no active library.
    Class The exception that is thrown when the semi-auto routing function did not find any direct connection between given control points.
    Class The exception that is thrown when the two edge control points do not lie on one part of path.
    Class The exception is thrown in case of attempt to access a property or a method which is not supported on the current instance of the object.
    ClassThe unit is not supported.
    Class The object is in invalid state. Obtain a new one.
    ClassThe exception that is thrown when you trying to access to already deleted occurrence.
    Class The exception that is thrown when you try to route an occurrence again through the same bundle.
    ClassThe exception that is thrown when you trying to change position or rotation of anchored occurrence.
    Class The exception that is thrown when an occurrence is not part of this document.
    Class The operation was not successful.
    ClassThis index is out of bounds or not found.
    Class The exception that is thrown when the part is not found in the library.
    Class The exception that is thrown when the part cannot be placed to workspace/workdesk.
    Class A project is already open. Only one project can be open at any moment.
    Class The exception that is thrown when no project is open.
    Class The exception is thrown when project operations are executed, but no project has been opened.
    Class The exception that is thrown when the property does not exist in this context.
    Class The exception that is thrown when the property is not currently enabled.
    ClassAn error has occurred during reconnecting.
    Class The exception that is thrown when there is a problem with security.
    ClassThe exception that is thrown when you try to remove a special component from a bundle while the special component is not on any bundle.
    ClassThe exception that is thrown when the EPLAN.Harness.API.ApiProperties.Unit you are trying to use is not valid in this context.
    See Also