This functionality is only available for certain module packages.


The interface consists of different views of the model. The following figure illustrates the understanding of views:

Views generally show a section of the overall model: Views serve to represent objects of the model in a suitable structure based on a selection that is meaningful in terms of the task at hand. As a result of the modular combination of different views, a number of workflows can be supported.

An object of the model, for example, Light, can be displayed in several views at the same time. Modifications to a view are imported into the model, and other views are updated (see the figure below).

Views can be selected via the menu Window > Show view or the symbol Show view (6). In the following figure, the views Project Explorer and Project Explorer can be seen.

Views (1) can be moved (5) in any manner as well as arranged side by side or on top of each other within the window by grabbing them with a left mouse click. Alternatively, views can also be stacked (2). Views are closed via the small x in their title bar. To change the size of the respective view, the familiar Windows mechanisms can be used: Touching the border of the window allows for its size to be modified. Minimizing and maximizing are possible via the two icons (3) at the top right-hand border of each view window. Alternatively, double-clicking on the title bar (4) will maximize and minimize a view.