This functionality is only available for certain module packages.

Compiling and exporting a plug-in

Before the new plug-in is compiled and exported, any EEC that is still running should be stopped.

The following steps are necessary to export and compile the plug-in:

  1. Open the export wizard by selecting File > Export...
  2. Open the Plug-in Development branch.
  3. Select Deployable plug-ins and fragments.
  4. Confirm the selection with Next >.
  5. Select the plug-in to be exported (here de.eplan.eec.scripting).
  6. In the Destination tab, select the \dropins sub-folder of the EEC installation folder.
  7. Open the Options tab.
  8. Select the Package plug-ins as individual JAR archives check box.
  9. Finish with Finish.

Eclipse can then be closed and EEC can be restarted.

During the start of EEC all plug-ins are registered. New plug-ins that are stored in the /dropins folder are also considered.