This functionality is only available for certain module packages.


Imports a project according to the assigned CSV file. In any case, the schema file must be passed as the first argument. Optional an additional template file may be passed. As further arguments for the target either the project name, the project or the project component itself can be specified. An already existing project is overwritten. If no separator is specified, the command interprets each semicolon as a separator.

The following variants are possible for using the command:

Argument Type Description
pathToXslt String Path to the schema file.
pathToCsv String Path to the CSV file.
delimiter String Separator, standard = Semicolon (;)
Engineering.ImportCSVCommand("c:\schema\csv_schema.xslt", "c:\importfiles\project.csv", ";")
Argument Type Description
pathToXslt String Path to the schema file.
pathToTemplate String Path to the template file.
pathToCsv String Path to the CSV file.
delimiter String Separator, standard = Semicolon (;)
Engineering.ImportCSVCommand("c:\schema\csv_schema.xslt", "c:\templates\csv_template.imx", "c:\importfiles\project.csv", ";")
Argument Type Description
pathToXslt String Path to the schema file.
pathToTemplate String Path to the template file.
pathToProject String Path to the project.
pathToCsv String Path to the CSV file.
delimiter String Separator, standard = Semicolon (;)
Engineering.ImportCSVCommand("c:\schema\csv_schema.xslt", "c:\templates\csv_template.imx", "Feeder", "c:\importfiles\project.csv", ";")
Argument Type Description
pathToXslt String Path to the schema file.
pathToTemplate String Path to the template file.
projectOrMo Object Project or project component.
pathToCsv String Path to the CSV file.
delimiter String Separator, standard = Semicolon (;)
Engineering.ImportCSVCommand("c:\schema\csv_schema.xslt", "c:\templates\csv_template.imx", «Feeder», "c:\importfiles\project.csv", ";")
Argument Type Description
pathToXslt String Path to the schema file.
projectOrMo Object Project or project component.
pathToCsv String Path to the CSV file.
delimiter String Separator, standard = Semicolon (;)
Engineering.ImportCSVCommand("c:\schema\csv_schema.xslt", «Feeder», "c:\importfiles\project.csv", ";")