This functionality is only available for certain module packages.


Each Form-UI element <form> is appears as a separate editor page of the instance editor.

Each Form-UI needs a title and a unique ID. The title can also be determined by a formula, so that multilingual Form-UIs can be configured.

The readonly attribute controls the behavior of elements that allow entries to be made in the Form-UI. Subordinate elements inherit the value of the attribute from superordinate elements (container-elements), but it can also be overwritten by them.

Attribute name Usage Attribute values Default value Description
bColor optional 0,0,0 to 255,255,255 Background color as RGB value
id required any Unique ID, which is referred to as reference
img optional png, gif, jpg assigns another image to the element
readonly optional true, false true = Form-UI is read-only.
false = Input fields in the Form-UI can also be written to.
title required any Name of the Form-UI
visible optional true, false true true = Form-UI is visible in the list of Form-UIs
false = Form-UI is invisible in the list of Form-UIs
Allowed sub-elements Quantity
action any
group any
img any
include any
input any
instantiation any
label any
line any
loop any
open any
progressBar any
table any
td any

Five empty Form-UIs are to be defined, one of which (Title B) has its own image, one (Title C) is not indicated in the list and one (Title E) is set with red background color:

A Form-UI, that includes different titles for each selected language:

The Form-UI includes a drop-down box to select a language. The language is determined by means of a formula and an appropriate text will be set. The language change takes effect after reloading the Form-UI.