This functionality is only available for certain module packages.


The element <include> inserts the content of a Form-UI at the place where the element tag <include> is positioned.

If the Form-UI which is inserted with <include>, contains buttons, they can be displayed explicitly with the showButton attribute.

Attribute name Usage Attribute values Default value Description
readonly optional true, false true = The inserted Form-UI is read-only.
false = Input can be written to the inserted Form-UI.
receiver required Formula to the object
ref required Form-UI ID Shows the Form-UI with the corresponding ID No value has to be supplied for displaying buttons.
showButtons optional Button-IDs Shows the buttons with the corresponding IDs
visible optional true, false true true = the included element is visible
false = the included element is invisible
Allowed sub-elements Quantity

Example code of a simple nesting:

The following example shows a Form-UI, which includes the Form-UI with the id="docu" attribute by means of the ref="docu" attribute. The Form-UI element <instantiation> is represented as a hyperlink.

Example code for a nesting with attribute showButtons:

The following example shows the same nesting as the previous example, but the showButtons attribute has the value DELETE, which adds a button for each instantiated object, for deleting its self. The Form-UI element <instantiation> is represented as a hyperlink with calculated text.

Example code for a nesting with attribute showButtons:

The following example shows the same nesting as the previous example, but the showButtons attribute has the value MOVE, which adds a button for each instantiated object, for moving its self. The Form-UI element <instantiation> is represented as a button.

Example code for a nesting with attribute showButtons:

The following example shows the same nesting as the previous example, but the showButtons attribute has the value DELETE|MOVE, which adds a button for each instantiated object, for deleting and moving its self. The Form-UI element <instantiation> is represented as a hyperlink.