This functionality is only available for certain module packages.


The <command> tag configures a command to execute one or several actions. The attributes parent, relatedObjects, src and target are used to assign further informations of the components.

The executable command is referenced by the xsi:type attribute .

Attribute name Usage Attribute values Default value Description
id required Unique name to reference to.
relatedObjects optional this Formula to the engineering object, that is currently inserted
src required Type of engineering object to be drawn
xsi:type required changeInstanceParent
Specifies the function of the command
changeInstanceParent: The node of an instance can be moved from one superordinate component to another.
changeClassParent = the node of a modular system component can be moved from one superordinate modular system component to another.
createNodeForClass = creates a node for a component that is moved from the modular system library to the diagram.
createNodeForInstance = creates a node for a component that is moved from the project tree to the diagram.
deleteNodeCommand = triggers further actions in addition to the deletion.
instantiateAndCreateNode = creates an instance of the assigned component and a node from the palette.
Allowed sub-elements Quantity
ecAction any