This functionality is only available for certain module packages.


Currently used to call a Form-UI as overlay tooltip.

Attribute name Usage Attribute values Default value Description
receiver optional String =this Formula to determine the component, which contains the Form-UI to display
refId required String unique name of the Form-UI
xsi:type required formui:formui-handler-info Name space, which returns the function of the overlay tooltip
movable optional true, false true Only for xsi:type= "formui:formui-handler-info"
true = overlay tooltip window is movable
false = overlay tooltip is displayed at a fixed position
resizable optional true, false true Only for xsi:type= "formui:formui-handler-info"
true = overlay tooltip is resizeable
false = overlay tooltip is displayed with a fixed size
showMenu optional true, false false Only for xsi:type= "formui:formui-handler-info"
true = overlay tooltip displays a menu on the top right corner
false = no menu available for overlay tooltip
Allowed sub-elements Quantity


Follow the sequence:

First configure <editRequestHandler> and then <editRequestHandlerInfo> within <configuration>.