This functionality is only available for certain module packages.

Changing a Job definition to import key-value pairs


A configuration could be created successfully with the fourth Job definition.

The Job was triggered by a webserviceTrigger, i.e. a URL with POST parameter was entered in the browser that triggered the Job and simultaneously passed an argument for an action.

This section shows how several arguments are passed so that key-value pairs are stored in a parameter of the Map type. To this purpose the EOX file Feeder.eox that was created with Test 4 is to be used as the basic model.

Copy the basic model:

  1. Open the Jobs page in the Job Server.
  2. Click the symbol in the line of the preceding Job (Job4_<Job-ID>) to open the File download dialog.
  3. Specify the <Job Server installation path>\resources\JobServer\EOX directory as the download target.

Create an action:

  1. Start EEC
  2. Select the <Job Server installation path>\resources\JobServer\EOX file as the data basis.
  3. Remove the marking of the Open read-only option.
  4. Confirm with [OK].
  5. Navigate to T_Mechatronic_ModularSystem in the library catalog.
  6. Create a unit called Actions.
  7. Navigate to the Actions unit.
  8. Select New > Object... from the popup menu.
  9. Select Action for a new object in the wizard.
  10. Close the wizard with [Finish].
  11. Enter the setFeederParameterMapAction name in the Name field.
  12. Open the Methods editor.
  13. Enter the run name in the Name field.
  14. Select the Java language from the Language drop-down list box.
  15. Click (Add argument).
  16. In the Name column replace the name New Argument by params.
  17. In the Type column replace the Engineering.Object type by Engineering.Map.
  18. Enter the following Java code in the Code field.
import com.mind8.mechatronic.skill.api.LiteralFormulaBuilder;
import com.mind8.mechatronic.skill.AbsoluteNameUtil;
// get Feeder from UnitOfWork
feederEO = AbsoluteNameUtil.getObjectByAbsolutePath("Feeder.Mechatronic.Feeder",self.getUnitOfWork());
// get parameter ParameterMap
parameter = feederEO.getParameter("ParameterMap");
// set ParameterMap with key-value-pairs
// save changes
  1. Save the action.

The action should have this appearance:

Change the existing Job definition:

  1. Create a copy of the existing JMX file jobdef4.jmx called jobdef5.jmx.
  2. Open the JMX file jobdef5.jmx with any editor, for example Notepad++.
  3. Change the name of the Job definition from <jobdefinition name="Job4" to <jobdefinition name="Job5".
  4. Change the specification of the model to eox\Feeder.eox (customize the file path).
  5. Replace the line <action name="Engineering.ImportIMXCommand" arguments="List{trigger.params.pathToIMX}" /> by the following line:
<action name="T_Mechatronic_ModularSystem.Actions.setFeederParameterMapAction" arguments="List{trigger.params}"/>
  1. Save the JMX file.

The complete JMX file should have the following appearance:

  1. Move the Job definition jobdef4.jmx into the directory <Job Server installation path>\resources\JobServer\JMX.
  2. Continue with section Test 5 - Writing key-value pairs in the Map parameter via a webserviceTrigger.