This functionality is only available for certain module packages.

Allocating structure parameters IO_Place, IO_Places, IO_IncomingBus, Bit0_QX, and Bit0_IX to the actuators and sensors

The parameters IO_Place, IO_Places, IO_IncomingBus and Bit0_IX must be allocated to all sensors and IO_Place, IO_Places, IO_IncomingBus and Bit0_QX must be allocated to all actuators.

  1. Open the Cylinder actuator.
  2. Select the Parameters editor.
  3. Use drag&drop to insert the parameters and IO_Place, IO_Places, IO_IncomingBus and Bit0_QX into the editor.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for the Valve actuator.
  5. Repeat steps 1 to 3 with the parameters IO_Place, IO_Places, IO_IncomingBus and Bit0_QX for the sensors Positionsensor and Pressuresensor.