EPLAN News 2.8

Improvements in the Generation of Schematics

Generate schematic page only once per representation type

So far a planning object with assigned macro could be dragged multiple times into the page navigator. This resulted in duplicate pages. However, the schematic for a planning object may only exist once.

The generation of duplicate pages is now prevented by the program. If a page macro is assigned, a new schematic page is generated by default. For an assigned window macro one new schematic page can be generated per representation type in the macro. If the pages for a planning object were already generated, you are now shown an appropriate message window and the details specified in the system messages.

Updating placeholder objects from assigned macros at planning objects

For planning objects, PCT loops, etc. you now have an information row available in the Macro tab below the Macro field. In this row you receive information about the assigned macro in certain cases. This for example happens if a macro already assigned was modified subsequently and the value sets in the planning object do not fit those in the assigned macro.

The program behavior for stored macros with changed placeholder objects was also improved:

If a schematic page is already generated but the stored macro can not be found anymore, the data saved for the planning object of the placeholder objects and variables is displayed in the Macro tab.

The check run 028005 can be used to find different data at the planning object and macro.

See also