EPLAN News 2.8

Exchanging Parts for Enclosures with Selection of 3D Macro Variants

For an enclosure you can use the popup menu item Exchange parts in the layout space navigator to exchange the part without part placements being deleted that existed in the original enclosure. If the 3D macro stored at the new enclosure part has several macro variants, you can now select one of these variants before carrying out the exchange (for example enclosure with door hinge right or left).

In such a case the dialog Select macro variant is opened automatically after the part selection. In this dialog with preview you can then select the variant of the 3D macro that is to be used during exchanging.


You can save different types of construction of an enclosure directly as variants of a 3D macro in the master data and, if required, replace them at the replaced enclosure via a part exchange.

Devices placed in the enclosure are automatically placed and assigned to the new mounting surfaces in as far as the selected macro variant has corresponding mounting surfaces. NC-relevant references and variants remain.

The subsequent new manual placement of components is no longer required.

See also