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Changing a Curve Run

The form of curves can be changed manually by moving control points.

  1. Select the Edit > Graphic > Change curve run menu items.

    The status bar displays the prompt "Select freely routed connection or curve".
  2. Select a curve in the layout space or in the layout space navigator.

    The status bar shows the prompt "Select control point of the curve".

    The existing control points are displayed as blue cuboids on the curve run.
  3. Move the cursor close to a control point.

    At the control point, a coordinate system with X, Y, and Z direction arrows is displayed.

  4. Move the cursor on one of the three direction arrows.

    The direction arrow touched by the cursor changes its color to green.

  5. Click the green direction arrow, and use it to move the control point in the direction indicated by the arrow.

    The curve run changes with the movement of the control point.

  6. If you want to move the control point into another direction, select another direction arrow in the same coordinate system.
  7. Place the control point by clicking on the desired position.

    The curve run is displayed in the changed state.

    You can then change further control points.

See also