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EPLAN.Harness.API.Occurrences.Interfaces Namespace / IOcc2DSpiderDiagram Interface
Properties Methods

In This Topic
    IOcc2DSpiderDiagram Interface Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by IOcc2DSpiderDiagram.

    Public Properties
     Property (Inherited from EPLAN.Harness.API.Occurrences.Interfaces.I2DStyleableOccurrence)
     Property Gets children occurrences of closest level in hierarchy of this occurrence. (Inherited from EPLAN.Harness.API.Occurrences.Interfaces.IOccurrence)
     Property Gets or sets the color of this occurrence.  
     PropertyDecorations, belonging to this decorable occurrence, visible in the drawing. (Inherited from EPLAN.Harness.API.Occurrences.Interfaces.I2DDecorableOccurrence)
     Property Used font for this occurrence.  
     Property Identifier of the API object. (Inherited from EPLAN.Harness.API.Interfaces.IApiObject)
     Property Is the part a rapid prototype? (Inherited from EPLAN.Harness.API.Occurrences.Interfaces.IOccurrence)
     Property Is occurrence valid? (Inherited from EPLAN.Harness.API.Occurrences.Interfaces.IOccurrence)
     Property Actual layer.  
     Property Length of each leg of this spider diagram.  
     PropertyFirst text for a leg of this spider diagram. (The text before the colon.)  
     PropertySecond text for a leg of this spider diagram. (The text after the colon.)  
     PropertyLine pattern of this drawing.  
     PropertyLine thickness of this drawing.Line thickness of this drawing.  
     Property Gets or sets the name of the occurrence.  
     PropertyID of the original 3D occurrence from which this occurrence is derived.  
     Property Gets parent occurrences of closest level in hierarchy of this occurrence. (Inherited from EPLAN.Harness.API.Occurrences.Interfaces.IOccurrence)
     Property Gets the 2D position in drawing. (Inherited from EPLAN.Harness.API.Occurrences.Interfaces.I2DTranslatable)
     Property Scale of this occurrence.  
     Property Gets or sets the value of 'Selectable' property of this occurrence.  
     Property Gets or sets a list of user-defined properties of this occurrence. (Inherited from EPLAN.Harness.API.Occurrences.Interfaces.IUserDefinedProperties)
     PropertyGet Z-order of this drawable occurrence.  
    Public Methods
     Method (Inherited from System.IEquatable<IOccurrence>)
    Extension Methods
    Public Extension Method Get names of all the properties which can be used for leg text of a spider diagram.
    See Also