Harness proD API Help
EPLAN.Harness.API.Projects.Documents Namespace / Designer Class / PlaceRapidFuse Method / PlaceRapidFuse(RapidFuseDefinition,TransformProperty<LengthProperty>) Method
Rapid fuse definition.
Position of the rapid fuse.
In This Topic
    PlaceRapidFuse(RapidFuseDefinition,TransformProperty<LengthProperty>) Method
    In This Topic
    Place rapid fuse to scene.


    Rapid fuse definition.
    Position of the rapid fuse.

    Return Value

    Placed rapid Fuse.
    This file is not opened.
    Api is not in an initialized state. You can get current state from EPLAN.Harness.API.HpdApi.Status property. If API is uninitialized, you can initialize it by calling EPLAN.Harness.API.HpdApi.Init method. If API is in failed state, you can not resurrect it.
    The object is in invalid state. Obtain a new one.
    Thrown when the type of part can not be placed by the method.
    Thrown when placing this part failed.
    This example shows how to place a rapid fuse.
    /// Obtain workspace beforehand and open for writing.
    Workspace workspace = ...
    workspace.Open(false, false);
    // Special component definition.
    RapidFuseDefinition definition = new RapidFuseDefinition();
    definition.Color = Color.Aqua;
    // Position of the rapid special component.
    TransformProperty<LengthProperty> position = new TransformProperty<LengthProperty>
    	new LengthProperty(-50, Unit.Millimeter),
    	new LengthProperty(120, Unit.Millimeter),
    	new LengthProperty(70, Unit.Millimeter)
    // Place attached part to occurrence.
    workspace.PlaceRapidFuse(definition, position);
    See Also