| Name | Description |
| ARTICLE_3DMACRO | Overloaded. EMI model # 22076. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ACCESSORYID | Overloaded. Accessory code # 22025. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ADDRESSRANGE | Overloaded. Address range (SIEMENS STEP 7 Classic) # 22106. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ADDRESSRANGE_2 | Overloaded. Address range 2 (SIEMENS STEP 7 Classic) # 22261. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ADJUSTRANGE | Overloaded. Control range # 22125. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ADJUSTRANGE_FULL | Overloaded. Control range (full) # 22231. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_ADVANCECONTACTS | Overloaded. Plugs: Leading pins # 22102. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_AIRGAP | Overloaded. Plugs: Clearance # 22096. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ASSEMBLY_POS_PLACE_SPREADED | Overloaded. Distributed placement of assembly # 22040. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE | Overloaded. Attributes # 22051. |
| ARTICLE_AWGFROM | Overloaded. Terminals: AWG from # 22086. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_AWGTILL | Overloaded. Terminals: AWG to # 22087. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BARCOUNT | Overloaded. Busbars: Number of rails # 22201. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BARDISTANCE | Overloaded. Busbars: Rail spacing # 22202. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BARGEOMETRY | Overloaded. Busbars: Profile geometry D x H (only EPLAN Cabinet) # 22200. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BARMOUNTINGPLATEDISTANCE | Overloaded. Busbars: Distance between rails and mounting panel # 22203. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BENDINGRADIUS | Overloaded. Min. bending radius # 22063. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BENDINGRADIUS_COPPER | Overloaded. Bending radius # 22257. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_BOTTOMPANELDEPTH | Overloaded. Base: Depth # 22186. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BOTTOMPANELDISTANCE | Overloaded. Distance base # 22185. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BOTTOMPANELPROJECTIONBACK | Overloaded. Overhang: Base back # 22184. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BOTTOMPANELPROJECTIONFRONT | Overloaded. Overhang: Base front # 22183. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BOTTOMPANELPROJECTIONLEFT | Overloaded. Overhang: Base left # 22181. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BOTTOMPANELPROJECTIONRIGHT | Overloaded. Overhang: Base right # 22182. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BUNDLE_MAXDIAMETER | Overloaded. Maximum bundle diameter # 22259. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BUNDLE_MINDIAMETER | Overloaded. Minimum bundle diameter # 22260. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BUSBARHOLDERPARTNR | Overloaded. Busbar support: Part number # 22204. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BUSBARHOLDERVARIANT | Overloaded. Busbar support: Part variant # 22205. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BUSBARRAILPARTNR | Overloaded. Busbars: Part number # 22252. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BUSBARRAILVARIANT | Overloaded. Busbars: Part variant # 22253. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CABLEDESIGNATION | Overloaded. Cable / Conduit: Designation in graphic # 22064. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CABLEDISPLAYFORM | Overloaded. Cable assignment diagram form # 22034. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CABLELENGTH | Overloaded. Length (prefabricated) # 22055. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CABLETYPE | Overloaded. Cable type / Type designation # 22030. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CABLEWEIGHT | Overloaded. Weight / length # 22067. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CABLEWIRECOUNT | Overloaded. Number of connections # 22031. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CABLEWIRECROSSSECTION | Overloaded. Connection: Cross-section / diameter # 22032. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CAN_BE_LINED_UP | Overloaded. Alignable # 22229. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CERTIFICATE | Overloaded. Certification: General # 22048. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CERTIFICATE_ATEX | Overloaded. Certification: ATEX identifier # 22270. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CERTIFICATE_CE | Overloaded. Certification: CE # 22113. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CERTIFICATE_UL | Overloaded. Certification: UL # 22049. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CERTIFICATE_VDE | Overloaded. Certification: VDE # 22050. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CHARACTERISTICS | Overloaded. Technical characteristics # 22017. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CODELETTER | Overloaded. Identifier # 22011. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CODING | Overloaded. Plugs: Coding # 22103. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_COILVOLTAGE | Overloaded. Coil: Voltage # 22218. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_COLOR | Overloaded. Color # 22080. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CONDUCTIVITY | Overloaded. Conductivity (at +20 °C) # 22273. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CONNECTION | Overloaded. Connection point # 22130. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CONNECTION_WIRECROSSSECTION_UNIT | Overloaded. Connection: Unit for connection cross-section / diameter # 22255. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CONNECTIONCROSSSECTION | Overloaded. Connection point cross-section # 22036. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CONNECTIONDESIGNATION | Overloaded. Part: Connection point designation # 22039. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_CONNECTIONMETHOD | Overloaded. Plugs: Connecting technique # 22101. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CONTACTOR_ARRANGEMENT | Overloaded. Plugs: Pin arrangement # 22095. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CONTACTTYPE | Overloaded. Plugs: Pin type # 22099. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_COPPERNUMBER | Overloaded. Copper weight # 22066. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CPMS_GUID | Overloaded. Unique external part ID # 22984. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_COOLING | Overloaded. Trade 'Cooling' # 22137. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_COOLINGLUBRICANT | Overloaded. Trade 'Cooling lubricant' # 22262. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_ELECTRICAL | Overloaded. Trade 'Electrical engineering' # 22131. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_FLUID | Overloaded. Trade 'Fluid power' # 22132. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_FLUID_UNDEFINED | Overloaded. Trade 'Fluid power (undefined)' # 22264. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_GASTECHNOLOGY | Overloaded. Trade 'Gas engineering' # 22263. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_HYDRAULICS | Overloaded. Trade 'Hydraulics' # 22134. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_LUBRICATION | Overloaded. Trade 'Lubrication' # 22136. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_MECHANICS | Overloaded. Trade 'Mechanics' # 22133. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_PNEUMATICS | Overloaded. Trade 'Pneumatics' # 22135. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_PROCESS | Overloaded. Trade 'Process engineering' # 22000. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CREEPAGEDISTANCE | Overloaded. Plugs: Creepage distance # 22097. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CROSSSECTIONFROM | Overloaded. Terminals: Cross-section from # 22084. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CROSSSECTIONTILL | Overloaded. Terminals: Cross-section to # 22085. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CURRENTCSA | Overloaded. Terminals: Current CSA # 22092. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CURRENTIEC | Overloaded. Terminals: Current IEC # 22088. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CURRENTUL | Overloaded. Terminals: Current UL # 22090. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CUSTOM_DATA_INDEX | Overloaded. API Parts Management Extension: Name of add-in # 22212. |
| ARTICLE_CUSTOM_DATA_VALUE | Overloaded. API Parts Management Extension: Value from add-in # 22213. |
| ARTICLE_DEGOFPROTECTION | Overloaded. Terminals: Degree of protection # 22082. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DELIVERYLENGTH | Overloaded. Delivery length # 22058. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DEPTH | Overloaded. Depth # 22014. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DESCR1 | Overloaded. Part: Designation 1 # 22004. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DESCR2 | Overloaded. Part: Designation 2 # 22005. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DESCR3 | Overloaded. Part: Designation 3 # 22006. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DESIGN | Overloaded. Plugs: Type of construction # 22100. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DISASSEMBLE_MODE | Overloaded. Break up in summarized parts list # 22292. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DISCONTINUED | Overloaded. Discontinued part # 22258. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DISCOUNT | Overloaded. Discount # 22221. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DISTANCE_WIRE_HOLD_BACK_NOSE | Overloaded. Distance of the pinch point # 22287. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DOOR_OFFSET_RIGHT | Overloaded. Door opening: Offset right # 22162. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DOOR_OFFSET_TOP | Overloaded. Door opening: Offset top # 22161. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DOOR_RABBET | Overloaded. Door fold # 22160. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DOORDEPTH | Overloaded. Door: Max. mounting depth # 22121. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DOORHEIGHT | Overloaded. Door: Usable height # 22119. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DOORMOUNTINGSPACE | Overloaded. Door: Mounting space # 22079. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DOORTHICKNESS | Overloaded. Door: Wall thickness # 22194. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DOORTYPE | Overloaded. Door: Type # 22192. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DOORWIDTH | Overloaded. Door: Usable width # 22120. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ECABINET_MACRO | Overloaded. Texture # 22219. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ELECTRICALCURRENT | Overloaded. Current # 22071. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ELECTRICALPOWER | Overloaded. Switching capacity # 22072. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ERPNR | Overloaded. ERP number # 22056. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT | Overloaded. External document # 22210. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_1 | Overloaded. External document 1 # 22149. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_10 | Overloaded. External document 10 # 22241. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_11 | Overloaded. External document 11 # 22242. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_12 | Overloaded. External document 12 # 22243. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_13 | Overloaded. External document 13 # 22244. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_14 | Overloaded. External document 14 # 22245. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_15 | Overloaded. External document 15 # 22246. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_16 | Overloaded. External document 16 # 22247. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_17 | Overloaded. External document 17 # 22248. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_18 | Overloaded. External document 18 # 22249. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_19 | Overloaded. External document 19 # 22250. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_2 | Overloaded. External document 2 # 22150. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_20 | Overloaded. External document 20 # 22251. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_3 | Overloaded. External document 3 # 22151. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_4 | Overloaded. External document 4 # 22235. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_5 | Overloaded. External document 5 # 22236. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_6 | Overloaded. External document 6 # 22237. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_7 | Overloaded. External document 7 # 22238. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_8 | Overloaded. External document 8 # 22239. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_9 | Overloaded. External document 9 # 22240. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_DESIGNATION | Overloaded. External document: Designation # 22279. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_URL | Overloaded. External document: File / hyperlink # 22280. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_PLACEMENT | Overloaded. External placement # 22220. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_FIRMWAREVERSION | Overloaded. Version # 22104. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_FLOW | Overloaded. Flow # 22126. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_FLOW_FULL | Overloaded. Flow (full) # 22232. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_FLUID_WALLTHICKNESS | Overloaded. Fluid / process engineering Wall thickness of the connection # 22275. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_FREE_DATA_DESCRIPTION | Overloaded. Free properties: Displayed name # 22146. |
| ARTICLE_FREE_DATA_FULL | Overloaded. Free properties: Value and unit (full) # 22234. |
| ARTICLE_FREE_DATA_IDENTNAME | Overloaded. User-defined properties: Identifying name # 22336. |
| ARTICLE_FREE_DATA_NEWVALUE | Overloaded. User-defined properties: Value # 22337. |
| ARTICLE_FREE_DATA_UNIT | Overloaded. Free properties: Unit # 22148. |
| ARTICLE_FREE_DATA_VALUE | Overloaded. Free properties: Value # 22147. |
| ARTICLE_FUNCTIONGROUP | Overloaded. Function group # 22026. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_GROUPNUMBER | Overloaded. Group number # 22044. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_GROUPSYMBOLMACRO | Overloaded. Macro # 22145. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_HEIGHT | Overloaded. Height # 22012. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_HINGEPOSITION | Overloaded. Door: Hinge # 22193. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_HOLDINGPOWER | Overloaded. Holding power # 22073. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_IDENTCODE | Overloaded. Barcode number # 22208. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_IDENTTYPE | Overloaded. Barcode type # 22209. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_INNERDIAMETER | Overloaded. Inner diameter # 22128. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_INSERTPOINTOFFSETX | Overloaded. Busbar support: Vertical offset # 22207. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_INSTALLATION_DEPTH | Overloaded. Mounting depth # 22268. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_INTRINSICSAFETY | Overloaded. Intrinsically safe # 22114. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_IS_ACCESSORY | Overloaded. Part is accessory # 22054. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_LIFETIME | Overloaded. Service time # 22142. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_MACRO | Overloaded. Graphical macro (incl. directory) # 22010. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_MACRONAME | Overloaded. Graphical macro # 22018. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_MAINTENANCE | Overloaded. Lubrication / maintenance # 22141. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_MANUFACTURER | Overloaded. Manufacturer # 22007. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_MANUFACTURER_NAME | Overloaded. Manufacturer name # 22222. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_MATERIAL | Overloaded. Material # 22081. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_MIDDLEOFFSET | Overloaded. Center mismatch # 22215. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_MODULE_POS_PLACE_SPREADED | Overloaded. Distributed placement of module # 22288. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_MOUNTINGSITE | Overloaded. Mounting surface # 22022. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_MOUNTINGSPACE | Overloaded. Space requirement # 22047. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_NORM | Overloaded. Standard # 22227. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_NOTE | Overloaded. Description # 22009. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ORDERNR | Overloaded. Order number # 22003. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_OUTERDIAMETER | Overloaded. External diameter # 22065. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PACKAGINGPRICE_1 | Overloaded. Purchase price/packaging Currency 1 # 22111. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PACKAGINGPRICE_2 | Overloaded. Purchase price/packaging Currency 2 # 22112. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PACKAGINGQUANTITY | Overloaded. Quantity/packaging # 22122. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PANELDEPTH | Overloaded. Mounting panel: Max. mounting depth # 22118. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PANELHEIGHT | Overloaded. Mounting panel: Usable height # 22116. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PANELMOUNTINGSPACE | Overloaded. Mounting panel: Mounting space # 22078. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PANELWIDTH | Overloaded. Mounting panel: Usable width # 22117. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PARTNR | Overloaded. Part number # 22001. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PARTTYPE | Overloaded. Record type # 22023. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PE_WIRE_COUNT | Overloaded. Number of PE conductors # 22123. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_PICTUREFILE | Overloaded. Image file # 22045. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PIECETYPE | Overloaded. Part group # 22027. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PINCOUNT | Overloaded. Plugs: Number of pins # 22035. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PIPECLASS | Overloaded. Pipe class # 22224. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCAXIS_DEVICETYPE | Overloaded. Drive: Device type # 22340. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICE_ID | Overloaded. Device description: File name # 22037. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICE_INDEX | Overloaded. Device description: Index in file # 22283. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_1 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 1: Name # 22293. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_10 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 10: Name # 22302. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_11 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 11: Name # 22303. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_12 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 12: Name # 22304. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_2 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 2: Name # 22294. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_3 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 3: Name # 22295. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_4 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 4: Name # 22296. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_5 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 5: Name # 22297. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_6 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 6: Name # 22298. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_7 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 7: Name # 22299. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_8 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 8: Name # 22300. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_9 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 9: Name # 22301. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_1 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 1: Position (slot / module) # 22305. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_10 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 10: Position (slot / module) # 22314. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_11 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 11: Position (slot / module) # 22315. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_12 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 12: Position (slot / module) # 22316. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_2 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 2: Position (slot / module) # 22306. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_3 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 3: Position (slot / module) # 22307. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_4 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 4: Position (slot / module) # 22308. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_5 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 5: Position (slot / module) # 22309. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_6 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 6: Position (slot / module) # 22310. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_7 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 7: Position (slot / module) # 22311. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_8 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 8: Position (slot / module) # 22312. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_9 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 9: Position (slot / module) # 22313. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS | Overloaded. PLC device: Data length (inputs) # 20571. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_1 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 1: Data length (inputs) # 22363. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_10 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 10: Data length (inputs) # 22323. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_11 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 11: Data length (inputs) # 22324. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_12 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 12: Data length (inputs) # 22325. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_2 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 2: Data length (inputs) # 20572. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_3 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 3: Data length (inputs) # 22291. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_4 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 4: Data length (inputs) # 22317. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_5 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 5: Data length (inputs) # 22318. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_6 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 6: Data length (inputs) # 22319. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_7 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 7: Data length (inputs) # 22320. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_8 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 8: Data length (inputs) # 22321. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_9 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 9: Data length (inputs) # 22322. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS | Overloaded. PLC device: Data length (outputs) # 20573. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_1 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 1: Data length (outputs) # 22364. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_10 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 10: Data length (outputs) # 22333. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_11 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 11: Data length (outputs) # 22334. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_12 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 12: Data length (outputs) # 22335. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_2 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 2: Data length (outputs) # 20574. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_3 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 3: Data length (outputs) # 22326. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_4 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 4: Data length (outputs) # 22327. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_5 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 5: Data length (outputs) # 22328. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_6 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 6: Data length (outputs) # 22329. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_7 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 7: Data length (outputs) # 22330. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_8 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 8: Data length (outputs) # 22331. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_9 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 9: Data length (outputs) # 22332. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_1 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 1: Device description: Index in file # 22366. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_10 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 10: Device description: Index in file # 22360. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_11 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 11: Device description: Index in file # 22361. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_12 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 12: Device description: Index in file # 22362. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_2 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 2: Device description: Index in file # 22352. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_3 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 3: Device description: Index in file # 22353. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_4 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 4: Device description: Index in file # 22354. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_5 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 5: Device description: Index in file # 22355. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_6 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 6: Device description: Index in file # 22356. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_7 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 7: Device description: Index in file # 22357. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_8 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 8: Device description: Index in file # 22358. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_9 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 9: Device description: Index in file # 22359. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_1 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 1: PLC type designation # 22365. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_10 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 10: PLC type designation # 22349. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_11 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 11: PLC type designation # 22350. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_12 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 12: PLC type designation # 22351. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_2 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 2: PLC type designation # 22341. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_3 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 3: PLC type designation # 22342. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_4 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 4: PLC type designation # 22343. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_5 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 5: PLC type designation # 22344. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_6 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 6: PLC type designation # 22345. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_7 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 7: PLC type designation # 22346. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_8 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 8: PLC type designation # 22347. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_9 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 9: PLC type designation # 22348. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCISBUSCOUPLER | Overloaded. Bus coupler / head station # 22019. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCISBUSDISTRIBUTOR | Overloaded. Bus distribution device # 22053. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCISCPU | Overloaded. CPU # 22020. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCISMOUNTEDONHEADMODULE | Overloaded. PLC card is placed on head station # 22290. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCISPOWERSUPPLY | Overloaded. Power supply # 22052. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCOBJECT_DESCRIPTION | Overloaded. Object description # 22038. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCSTATIONTYPE | Overloaded. PLC station type # 22269. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCTEMPLATEREFERENCE | Overloaded. # 22338. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCTYPE | Overloaded. PLC type designation # 22105. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_POWERDISSIPATION | Overloaded. Max. power dissipation # 22074. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PRESSURE | Overloaded. Max. working pressure # 22124. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PRESSURE_FULL | Overloaded. Max. working pressure (full) # 22230. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_PRESSURELEVEL | Overloaded. Nominal pressure level # 22226. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PRICEUNIT | Overloaded. Price unit # 22043. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PRODUCTGROUP | Overloaded. Product group # 22041. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PRODUCTSUBGROUP | Overloaded. Product subgroup # 22028. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PRODUCTTOPGROUP | Overloaded. Generic product group # 22138. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PROFILEDEPTH | Overloaded. Profile horizontal: Depth # 22188. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PROFILEDISTANCE | Overloaded. Adjoining distance # 22191. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PROFILEHEIGHT | Overloaded. Profile horizontal: Height # 22187. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PURCHASEPRICE_1 | Overloaded. Purchase price/price unit Currency 1 # 22109. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PURCHASEPRICE_2 | Overloaded. Purchase price/price unit Currency 2 # 22110. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_QUANTITYUNIT | Overloaded. Quantity unit # 22042. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_RAILCROSSSECTION | Overloaded. Rail cross-section # 22271. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_RAILMATERIAL | Overloaded. Rail material # 22272. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REARPANELDISTANCE | Overloaded. Distance rear panel # 22173. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REARPANELDPEPTH | Overloaded. Rear panel: Depth # 22174. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REARPANELPROJECTIONBOTTOM | Overloaded. Overhang: Rear panel bottom # 22172. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REARPANELPROJECTIONLEFT | Overloaded. Overhang: Rear panel left # 22169. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REARPANELPROJECTIONRIGHT | Overloaded. Overhang: Rear panel right # 22170. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REARPANELPROJECTIONTOP | Overloaded. Overhang: Rear panel top # 22171. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REF_CONSTRUCTION_NAME | Overloaded. Drilling pattern # 22217. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REF_TERMINAL_NAME | Overloaded. Connection point pattern # 22941. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REF_TERMINAL_OFFSET_X | Overloaded. Connection point pattern: Offset X-direction # 22277. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REF_TERMINAL_OFFSET_Y | Overloaded. Connection point pattern: Offset Y-direction # 22278. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REPORT_IDENTIFIER | Overloaded. Identifier for reports # 22214. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REPORT_SYMBOL | Overloaded. Symbol for reports # 22228. |
| ARTICLE_SALESPRICE_1 | Overloaded. Sales price Currency 1 # 22107. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SALESPRICE_2 | Overloaded. Sales price Currency 2 # 22108. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SHORTCIRCUITRESISTANT | Overloaded. Short-circuit proof # 22115. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SIDEPANELDEPTH | Overloaded. Side panel: Depth # 22168. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SIDEPANELDISTANCE | Overloaded. Distance side panel # 22167. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SIDEPANELPROJECTIONBACK | Overloaded. Overhang: Side panel back # 22164. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SIDEPANELPROJECTIONBOTTOM | Overloaded. Overhang: Side panel bottom # 22166. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SIDEPANELPROJECTIONFRONT | Overloaded. Overhang: Side panel front # 22163. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SIDEPANELPROJECTIONTOP | Overloaded. Overhang: Side panel top # 22165. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SLOT_GAP | Overloaded. Slot width # 22286. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SNAPHEIGHT | Overloaded. Clip-on height # 22211. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SPACING_ABOVE | Overloaded. Mounting clearance Height: Above # 22154. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SPACING_BELOW | Overloaded. Mounting clearance Height: Below # 22155. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SPACING_FRONT | Overloaded. Mounting clearance Depth: Front # 22156. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SPACING_LEFT | Overloaded. Mounting clearance Width: Left # 22152. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SPACING_REAR | Overloaded. Mounting clearance Depth: Rear # 22157. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SPACING_RIGHT | Overloaded. Mounting clearance Width: Right # 22153. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SPARE | Overloaded. Spare part # 22140. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_STANDARDINVERS | Overloaded. Plugs: Standard / inverse # 22098. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_STRESS | Overloaded. Stress # 22143. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_STROKELENGTH | Overloaded. Length of stroke # 22129. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_COOLING | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Cooling' # 22196. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_COOLINGLUBRICANT | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Cooling lubricant' # 22265. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_ELECTRICAL | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Electrical engineering' # 22077. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_FLUID_UNDEFINED | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Fluid power (undefined)' # 22267. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_GASTECHNOLOGY | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Gas engineering' # 22266. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_HYDRAULICS | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Hydraulics' # 22158. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_LUBRICATION | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Lubrication' # 22195. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_MECHANICS | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Mechanics' # 22094. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_PNEUMATICS | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Pneumatics' # 22159. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_PROCESS | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Process engineering' # 22197. |
| ARTICLE_SUPPLIER | Overloaded. Supplier # 22008. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SUPPLIER_NAME | Overloaded. Supplier name # 22223. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_TAB_WIDTH | Overloaded. Finger width # 22285. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENT | Overloaded. Temperature coefficient # 22274. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TERMINALSIZE_DESTINATION | Overloaded. Connection dimension target # 22282. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TERMINALSIZE_SOURCE | Overloaded. Connection dimension source # 22281. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_THREAD | Overloaded. Thread # 22127. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TOPPANELDISTANCE | Overloaded. Distance cover # 22179. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TOPPANELDPEPTH | Overloaded. Cover: Depth # 22180. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TOPPANELPROJECTIONBACK | Overloaded. Overhang: Cover back # 22178. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TOPPANELPROJECTIONFRONT | Overloaded. Overhang: Cover front # 22177. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TOPPANELPROJECTIONLEFT | Overloaded. Overhang: Cover left # 22175. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TOPPANELPROJECTIONRIGHT | Overloaded. Overhang: Cover right # 22176. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TRIGGERCURRENT | Overloaded. Tripping current # 22075. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TYPENR | Overloaded. Type number # 22002. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_UNIQUEID | Overloaded. Unique part ID # 22060. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_USAGE | Overloaded. Procurement # 22144. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_VARIANT | Overloaded. Variant # 22024. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_VOLTAGE | Overloaded. Voltage # 22033. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_VOLTAGECSA | Overloaded. Terminals: Voltage CSA # 22093. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_VOLTAGEIEC | Overloaded. Terminals: Voltage IEC # 22089. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_VOLTAGETYPE | Overloaded. Voltage type # 22070. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_VOLTAGEUL | Overloaded. Terminals: Voltage UL # 22091. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_VPROFILEDPETH | Overloaded. Profile vertical: Depth # 22190. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_VPROFILEWIDTH | Overloaded. Profile vertical: Width # 22189. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WALLTHICKNESS | Overloaded. Wall thickness # 22216. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WEAR | Overloaded. Wearing part # 22139. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WEIGHT | Overloaded. Weight # 22046. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WEIGHT_DISPLAY_UNIT | Overloaded. Weight in displayed unit # 22059. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_WEIGHT_FULL | Overloaded. Weight (full) # 22233. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_WIDTH | Overloaded. Width # 22013. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WIDTHBOTTOM | Overloaded. Width bottom # 22199. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WIDTHRATING | Overloaded. Nominal width # 22225. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WIDTHTOP | Overloaded. Width top # 22198. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WIRECROSSSECTION_AND_DIAMETER | Overloaded. No. of connections and cross-section / diameter # 22069. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WIRECROSSSECTION_UNIT | Overloaded. Unit for connection cross-section / diameter # 22068. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WIRETYPE | Overloaded. Connection type # 22254. This property isn't indexed. |
| ExistingIds | Returns array of property ids. Returns array of AnyPropertyId objects. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList) |
| ExistingValues | Returns array of PropertyValue objects. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList) |
| MESSAGEMGMT_MESSAGES | Overloaded. Messages in message management # 20930. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| Parent | StorableObject to which this property list is connected. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList) |
| PART_CREATE | Overloaded. Creator / Creation date # 22902. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_CREATE_DATE | Overloaded. Creation date # 22983. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_CREATE_USER | Overloaded. Creator # 22982. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_LASTCHANGE | Overloaded. Last editor / Modification date # 22901. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_LASTCHANGE_DATE | Overloaded. Modification date # 22981. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_LASTCHANGE_USER | Overloaded. Last editor # 22980. This property isn't indexed. |
| Property | Overloaded. Method used by operator[] in order to access indexed properties. |
| PROPUSER_DBOBJECTID | Overloaded. Object identification # 2000. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.StorableObjectPropertyList) |