| Class | Description |
| Backup | This class provides functions for the data backup. Following example shows how to use Backup class. |
| CableService | Class providing functionality for cables: numbering, automatic cable selection, generate cable automatically, delete automatically generated cables and add up cable length. |
| ChangeInfoService | This class contains methods for activating and deactivating change info handling. |
| ChangeInfoService.ChangeInfoServiceHelper | This class is used to switch back mode. |
| Check | Class for checking projects or pages. |
| ConnectionService | Class providing connection functionality: Placing , designating, re-aligning, re-formatting, and deleting connection definition points. |
| ConnectionService3D | Class providing functionality to work with 3d connections. |
| CoordinateService | Class for converting coordinate systems |
| DeviceService | Class providing functionality for managing devices. |
| DeviceService.TemplatesInfo | This class provides information about the templates associated with a specific part number contained in the device list. Objects of this class are returned by DeviceService::GetTemplatesFromDeviceList method. |
| DrawingService | This class allows the user to create previews of macros and other DataModel objects. |
| Edit | Class to open pages in the graphics editor for editing. |
| Edit3D | Class to help with working on 3D objects in the graphics editor. |
| Export | Class for exporting projects and project data to various formats. The following example shows how to use class Export. |
| Export3D | Class for exporting 3d objects to various formats. |
| Generate | Class for updating connections and cables |
| HarnessService | Class providing harness functionalities such as import or export. |
| Import | Class for importing different sorts of external data. The EPLAN P8 API provides means to import PXF, DXF, and DWG files. |
| Insert | Class for inserting different kinds of external data. The class Insert contains all methods for placing window macros or inserting window macros. |
| Insert3D | Inserts 3-d macros into layout space. |
| Label | Class used for labeling. The following example shows how to use class Label. |
| Masterdata | Class providing master data functionalities such as updating the master data in a project. |
| MergeDataService | Class providing mounting panel functionalities such as reorganize legend numbers. |
| MountingPanelService | Class providing mounting panel functionalities such as reorganize legend numbers. |
| NameService | Class for managing the Function names (device tags) on the specified Page |
| NameService3D | Class for managing the Function3D names (device tags) on the specified InstallationSpace |
| PartsService | Class providing parts list and parts management functionality. |
| Placement3DService | Class for editing Placement3D objects. |
| PlcService | Class providing functionality for importing and exporting PLC data. |
| PlcService.PLCDataConverterInfo | A structure containing a PLC converter's ID together with its full name. This structure instances are elements of the array returned by the GetAvailableConverters method. |
| PlcService.ReadressingConfig | Used as a container for PLC re-addressing settings. |
| PrePlanningService | Class providing functionality for handling pre-planning data. |
| Print | Class providing functionality for printing complete projects or a number of pages. |
| ProjectManagement | This class contains methods for some project related tasks, like finding a project by its ID, compressing a project, or importing a ProjectInfo.xml file. |
| Renumber | Class providing functionality for numbering various types of data, like device tags. |
| Renumber.Enums | |
| Reports | Class providing functionality for generating reports. |
| Restore | Class providing functionality to restore backups of projects or master data. |
| Revision | Class providing functionality of the revision control. |
| Search | Class providing functionality to search within a project. |
| SelectionSet | Class providing functionality to get selected objects from a current dialog of EPLAN. |
| Synchronize | Class providing functionality for synchronizing project and system master data and synchronizing properties between different representation types. |
| TerminalsService | Class providing functionality for processing terminals and terminal strips. |
| TerminalsService.OptimizeDistributedTerminalsConfig | Options for optimizing distributed terminals. |
| TopologyService | Class providing functionality for working with topology. |
| Transformation | Class to determine displacement and scaling of objects (used for methods of the Import class). The following example shows how to use class Import. |
| Transformation.DrawingLimits | Class contains drawing limits which are needed for scale calculations. |
| Translate | Class providing functionality for translating project data. |