| Name | Description |
| ARTICLE_3DMACRO | Overloaded. EMI model # 22076. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ACCESSORYID | Overloaded. Accessory code # 22025. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ADDRESSRANGE | Overloaded. Address range (SIEMENS STEP 7 Classic) # 22106. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ADDRESSRANGE_2 | Overloaded. Address range 2 (SIEMENS STEP 7 Classic) # 22261. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ADJUSTRANGE | Overloaded. Control range # 22125. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ADJUSTRANGE_FULL | Overloaded. Control range (full) # 22231. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_ADVANCECONTACTS | Overloaded. Plugs: Leading pins # 22102. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_AIRGAP | Overloaded. Plugs: Clearance # 22096. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ASSEMBLY_POS_PLACE_SPREADED | Overloaded. Distributed placement of assembly # 22040. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE | Overloaded. Attributes # 22051. |
| ARTICLE_AWGFROM | Overloaded. Terminals: AWG from # 22086. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_AWGTILL | Overloaded. Terminals: AWG to # 22087. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BARCOUNT | Overloaded. Busbars: Number of rails # 22201. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BARDISTANCE | Overloaded. Busbars: Rail spacing # 22202. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BARGEOMETRY | Overloaded. Busbars: Profile geometry D x H (only EPLAN Cabinet) # 22200. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BARMOUNTINGPLATEDISTANCE | Overloaded. Busbars: Distance between rails and mounting panel # 22203. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BENDINGRADIUS | Overloaded. Min. bending radius # 22063. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BENDINGRADIUS_COPPER | Overloaded. Bending radius # 22257. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_BOTTOMPANELDEPTH | Overloaded. Base: Depth # 22186. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BOTTOMPANELDISTANCE | Overloaded. Distance base # 22185. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BOTTOMPANELPROJECTIONBACK | Overloaded. Overhang: Base back # 22184. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BOTTOMPANELPROJECTIONFRONT | Overloaded. Overhang: Base front # 22183. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BOTTOMPANELPROJECTIONLEFT | Overloaded. Overhang: Base left # 22181. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BOTTOMPANELPROJECTIONRIGHT | Overloaded. Overhang: Base right # 22182. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BUNDLE_MAXDIAMETER | Overloaded. Maximum bundle diameter # 22259. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BUNDLE_MINDIAMETER | Overloaded. Minimum bundle diameter # 22260. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BUSBARHOLDERPARTNR | Overloaded. Busbar support: Part number # 22204. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BUSBARHOLDERVARIANT | Overloaded. Busbar support: Part variant # 22205. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BUSBARRAILPARTNR | Overloaded. Busbars: Part number # 22252. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_BUSBARRAILVARIANT | Overloaded. Busbars: Part variant # 22253. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CABLEDESIGNATION | Overloaded. Cable / Conduit: Designation in graphic # 22064. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CABLEDISPLAYFORM | Overloaded. Cable assignment diagram form # 22034. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CABLELENGTH | Overloaded. Length (prefabricated) # 22055. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CABLETYPE | Overloaded. Cable type / Type designation # 22030. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CABLEWEIGHT | Overloaded. Weight / length # 22067. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CABLEWIRECOUNT | Overloaded. Number of connections # 22031. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CABLEWIRECROSSSECTION | Overloaded. Connection: Cross-section / diameter # 22032. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CAN_BE_LINED_UP | Overloaded. Alignable # 22229. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CERTIFICATE | Overloaded. Certification: General # 22048. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CERTIFICATE_ATEX | Overloaded. Certification: ATEX identifier # 22270. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CERTIFICATE_CE | Overloaded. Certification: CE # 22113. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CERTIFICATE_UL | Overloaded. Certification: UL # 22049. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CERTIFICATE_VDE | Overloaded. Certification: VDE # 22050. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CHARACTERISTICS | Overloaded. Technical characteristics # 22017. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CODELETTER | Overloaded. Identifier # 22011. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CODING | Overloaded. Plugs: Coding # 22103. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_COILVOLTAGE | Overloaded. Coil: Voltage # 22218. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_COLOR | Overloaded. Color # 22080. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CONDUCTIVITY | Overloaded. Conductivity (at +20 °C) # 22273. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CONNECTION | Overloaded. Connection point # 22130. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CONNECTION_WIRECROSSSECTION_UNIT | Overloaded. Connection: Unit for connection cross-section / diameter # 22255. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CONNECTIONCROSSSECTION | Overloaded. Connection point cross-section # 22036. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CONNECTIONDESIGNATION | Overloaded. Part: Connection point designation # 22039. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_CONNECTIONMETHOD | Overloaded. Plugs: Connecting technique # 22101. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CONTACTOR_ARRANGEMENT | Overloaded. Plugs: Pin arrangement # 22095. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CONTACTTYPE | Overloaded. Plugs: Pin type # 22099. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_COPPERNUMBER | Overloaded. Copper weight # 22066. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CPMS_GUID | Overloaded. Unique external part ID # 22984. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_COOLING | Overloaded. Trade 'Cooling' # 22137. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_COOLINGLUBRICANT | Overloaded. Trade 'Cooling lubricant' # 22262. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_ELECTRICAL | Overloaded. Trade 'Electrical engineering' # 22131. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_FLUID | Overloaded. Trade 'Fluid power' # 22132. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_FLUID_UNDEFINED | Overloaded. Trade 'Fluid power (undefined)' # 22264. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_GASTECHNOLOGY | Overloaded. Trade 'Gas engineering' # 22263. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_HYDRAULICS | Overloaded. Trade 'Hydraulics' # 22134. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_LUBRICATION | Overloaded. Trade 'Lubrication' # 22136. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_MECHANICS | Overloaded. Trade 'Mechanics' # 22133. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_PNEUMATICS | Overloaded. Trade 'Pneumatics' # 22135. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CRAFT_PROCESS | Overloaded. Trade 'Process engineering' # 22000. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CREEPAGEDISTANCE | Overloaded. Plugs: Creepage distance # 22097. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CROSSSECTIONFROM | Overloaded. Terminals: Cross-section from # 22084. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CROSSSECTIONTILL | Overloaded. Terminals: Cross-section to # 22085. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CURRENTCSA | Overloaded. Terminals: Current CSA # 22092. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CURRENTIEC | Overloaded. Terminals: Current IEC # 22088. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CURRENTUL | Overloaded. Terminals: Current UL # 22090. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_CUSTOM_DATA_INDEX | Overloaded. API Parts Management Extension: Name of add-in # 22212. |
| ARTICLE_CUSTOM_DATA_VALUE | Overloaded. API Parts Management Extension: Value from add-in # 22213. |
| ARTICLE_DEGOFPROTECTION | Overloaded. Terminals: Degree of protection # 22082. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DELIVERYLENGTH | Overloaded. Delivery length # 22058. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DEPTH | Overloaded. Depth # 22014. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DESCR1 | Overloaded. Part: Designation 1 # 22004. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DESCR2 | Overloaded. Part: Designation 2 # 22005. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DESCR3 | Overloaded. Part: Designation 3 # 22006. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DESIGN | Overloaded. Plugs: Type of construction # 22100. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DISASSEMBLE_MODE | Overloaded. Break up in summarized parts list # 22292. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DISCONTINUED | Overloaded. Discontinued part # 22258. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DISCOUNT | Overloaded. Discount # 22221. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DISTANCE_WIRE_HOLD_BACK_NOSE | Overloaded. Distance of the pinch point # 22287. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DOOR_OFFSET_RIGHT | Overloaded. Door opening: Offset right # 22162. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DOOR_OFFSET_TOP | Overloaded. Door opening: Offset top # 22161. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DOOR_RABBET | Overloaded. Door fold # 22160. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DOORDEPTH | Overloaded. Door: Max. mounting depth # 22121. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DOORHEIGHT | Overloaded. Door: Usable height # 22119. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DOORMOUNTINGSPACE | Overloaded. Door: Mounting space # 22079. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DOORTHICKNESS | Overloaded. Door: Wall thickness # 22194. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DOORTYPE | Overloaded. Door: Type # 22192. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_DOORWIDTH | Overloaded. Door: Usable width # 22120. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ECABINET_MACRO | Overloaded. Texture # 22219. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ELECTRICALCURRENT | Overloaded. Current # 22071. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ELECTRICALPOWER | Overloaded. Switching capacity # 22072. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ERPNR | Overloaded. ERP number # 22056. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT | Overloaded. External document # 22210. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_1 | Overloaded. External document 1 # 22149. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_10 | Overloaded. External document 10 # 22241. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_11 | Overloaded. External document 11 # 22242. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_12 | Overloaded. External document 12 # 22243. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_13 | Overloaded. External document 13 # 22244. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_14 | Overloaded. External document 14 # 22245. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_15 | Overloaded. External document 15 # 22246. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_16 | Overloaded. External document 16 # 22247. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_17 | Overloaded. External document 17 # 22248. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_18 | Overloaded. External document 18 # 22249. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_19 | Overloaded. External document 19 # 22250. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_2 | Overloaded. External document 2 # 22150. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_20 | Overloaded. External document 20 # 22251. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_3 | Overloaded. External document 3 # 22151. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_4 | Overloaded. External document 4 # 22235. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_5 | Overloaded. External document 5 # 22236. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_6 | Overloaded. External document 6 # 22237. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_7 | Overloaded. External document 7 # 22238. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_8 | Overloaded. External document 8 # 22239. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_9 | Overloaded. External document 9 # 22240. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_DESIGNATION | Overloaded. External document: Designation # 22279. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_URL | Overloaded. External document: File / hyperlink # 22280. |
| ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_PLACEMENT | Overloaded. External placement # 22220. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_FIRMWAREVERSION | Overloaded. Version # 22104. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_FLOW | Overloaded. Flow # 22126. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_FLOW_FULL | Overloaded. Flow (full) # 22232. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_FLUID_WALLTHICKNESS | Overloaded. Fluid / process engineering Wall thickness of the connection # 22275. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_FREE_DATA_DESCRIPTION | Overloaded. Free properties: Displayed name # 22146. |
| ARTICLE_FREE_DATA_FULL | Overloaded. Free properties: Value and unit (full) # 22234. |
| ARTICLE_FREE_DATA_IDENTNAME | Overloaded. User-defined properties: Identifying name # 22336. |
| ARTICLE_FREE_DATA_NEWVALUE | Overloaded. User-defined properties: Value # 22337. |
| ARTICLE_FREE_DATA_UNIT | Overloaded. Free properties: Unit # 22148. |
| ARTICLE_FREE_DATA_VALUE | Overloaded. Free properties: Value # 22147. |
| ARTICLE_FUNCTIONGROUP | Overloaded. Function group # 22026. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_GROUPNUMBER | Overloaded. Group number # 22044. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_GROUPSYMBOLMACRO | Overloaded. Macro # 22145. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_HEIGHT | Overloaded. Height # 22012. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_HINGEPOSITION | Overloaded. Door: Hinge # 22193. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_HOLDINGPOWER | Overloaded. Holding power # 22073. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_IDENTCODE | Overloaded. Barcode number # 22208. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_IDENTTYPE | Overloaded. Barcode type # 22209. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_INNERDIAMETER | Overloaded. Inner diameter # 22128. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_INSERTPOINTOFFSETX | Overloaded. Busbar support: Vertical offset # 22207. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_INSTALLATION_DEPTH | Overloaded. Mounting depth # 22268. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_INTRINSICSAFETY | Overloaded. Intrinsically safe # 22114. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_IS_ACCESSORY | Overloaded. Part is accessory # 22054. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_LIFETIME | Overloaded. Service time # 22142. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_MACRO | Overloaded. Graphical macro (incl. directory) # 22010. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_MACRONAME | Overloaded. Graphical macro # 22018. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_MAINTENANCE | Overloaded. Lubrication / maintenance # 22141. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_MANUFACTURER | Overloaded. Manufacturer # 22007. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_MANUFACTURER_NAME | Overloaded. Manufacturer name # 22222. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_MATERIAL | Overloaded. Material # 22081. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_MIDDLEOFFSET | Overloaded. Center mismatch # 22215. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_MODULE_POS_PLACE_SPREADED | Overloaded. Distributed placement of module # 22288. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_MOUNTINGSITE | Overloaded. Mounting surface # 22022. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_MOUNTINGSPACE | Overloaded. Space requirement # 22047. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_NORM | Overloaded. Standard # 22227. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_NOTE | Overloaded. Description # 22009. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_ORDERNR | Overloaded. Order number # 22003. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_OUTERDIAMETER | Overloaded. External diameter # 22065. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PACKAGINGPRICE_1 | Overloaded. Purchase price/packaging Currency 1 # 22111. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PACKAGINGPRICE_2 | Overloaded. Purchase price/packaging Currency 2 # 22112. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PACKAGINGQUANTITY | Overloaded. Quantity/packaging # 22122. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PANELDEPTH | Overloaded. Mounting panel: Max. mounting depth # 22118. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PANELHEIGHT | Overloaded. Mounting panel: Usable height # 22116. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PANELMOUNTINGSPACE | Overloaded. Mounting panel: Mounting space # 22078. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PANELWIDTH | Overloaded. Mounting panel: Usable width # 22117. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PARTNR | Overloaded. Part number # 22001. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PARTTYPE | Overloaded. Record type # 22023. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PE_WIRE_COUNT | Overloaded. Number of PE conductors # 22123. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_PICTUREFILE | Overloaded. Image file # 22045. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PIECETYPE | Overloaded. Part group # 22027. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PINCOUNT | Overloaded. Plugs: Number of pins # 22035. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PIPECLASS | Overloaded. Pipe class # 22224. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCAXIS_DEVICETYPE | Overloaded. Drive: Device type # 22340. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICE_ID | Overloaded. Device description: File name # 22037. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICE_INDEX | Overloaded. Device description: Index in file # 22283. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_1 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 1: Name # 22293. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_10 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 10: Name # 22302. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_11 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 11: Name # 22303. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_12 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 12: Name # 22304. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_2 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 2: Name # 22294. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_3 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 3: Name # 22295. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_4 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 4: Name # 22296. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_5 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 5: Name # 22297. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_6 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 6: Name # 22298. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_7 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 7: Name # 22299. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_8 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 8: Name # 22300. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_9 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 9: Name # 22301. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_1 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 1: Position (slot / module) # 22305. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_10 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 10: Position (slot / module) # 22314. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_11 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 11: Position (slot / module) # 22315. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_12 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 12: Position (slot / module) # 22316. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_2 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 2: Position (slot / module) # 22306. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_3 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 3: Position (slot / module) # 22307. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_4 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 4: Position (slot / module) # 22308. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_5 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 5: Position (slot / module) # 22309. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_6 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 6: Position (slot / module) # 22310. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_7 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 7: Position (slot / module) # 22311. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_8 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 8: Position (slot / module) # 22312. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_9 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 9: Position (slot / module) # 22313. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS | Overloaded. PLC device: Data length (inputs) # 20571. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_1 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 1: Data length (inputs) # 22363. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_10 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 10: Data length (inputs) # 22323. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_11 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 11: Data length (inputs) # 22324. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_12 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 12: Data length (inputs) # 22325. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_2 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 2: Data length (inputs) # 20572. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_3 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 3: Data length (inputs) # 22291. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_4 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 4: Data length (inputs) # 22317. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_5 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 5: Data length (inputs) # 22318. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_6 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 6: Data length (inputs) # 22319. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_7 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 7: Data length (inputs) # 22320. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_8 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 8: Data length (inputs) # 22321. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_9 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 9: Data length (inputs) # 22322. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS | Overloaded. PLC device: Data length (outputs) # 20573. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_1 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 1: Data length (outputs) # 22364. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_10 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 10: Data length (outputs) # 22333. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_11 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 11: Data length (outputs) # 22334. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_12 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 12: Data length (outputs) # 22335. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_2 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 2: Data length (outputs) # 20574. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_3 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 3: Data length (outputs) # 22326. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_4 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 4: Data length (outputs) # 22327. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_5 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 5: Data length (outputs) # 22328. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_6 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 6: Data length (outputs) # 22329. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_7 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 7: Data length (outputs) # 22330. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_8 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 8: Data length (outputs) # 22331. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_9 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 9: Data length (outputs) # 22332. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_1 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 1: Device description: Index in file # 22366. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_10 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 10: Device description: Index in file # 22360. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_11 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 11: Device description: Index in file # 22361. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_12 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 12: Device description: Index in file # 22362. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_2 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 2: Device description: Index in file # 22352. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_3 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 3: Device description: Index in file # 22353. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_4 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 4: Device description: Index in file # 22354. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_5 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 5: Device description: Index in file # 22355. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_6 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 6: Device description: Index in file # 22356. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_7 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 7: Device description: Index in file # 22357. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_8 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 8: Device description: Index in file # 22358. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_9 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 9: Device description: Index in file # 22359. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_1 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 1: PLC type designation # 22365. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_10 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 10: PLC type designation # 22349. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_11 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 11: PLC type designation # 22350. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_12 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 12: PLC type designation # 22351. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_2 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 2: PLC type designation # 22341. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_3 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 3: PLC type designation # 22342. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_4 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 4: PLC type designation # 22343. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_5 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 5: PLC type designation # 22344. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_6 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 6: PLC type designation # 22345. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_7 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 7: PLC type designation # 22346. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_8 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 8: PLC type designation # 22347. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_9 | Overloaded. PLC subdevice 9: PLC type designation # 22348. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCISBUSCOUPLER | Overloaded. Bus coupler / head station # 22019. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCISBUSDISTRIBUTOR | Overloaded. Bus distribution device # 22053. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCISCPU | Overloaded. CPU # 22020. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCISMOUNTEDONHEADMODULE | Overloaded. PLC card is placed on head station # 22290. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCISPOWERSUPPLY | Overloaded. Power supply # 22052. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCOBJECT_DESCRIPTION | Overloaded. Object description # 22038. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCSTATIONTYPE | Overloaded. PLC station type # 22269. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCTEMPLATEREFERENCE | Overloaded. # 22338. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PLCTYPE | Overloaded. PLC type designation # 22105. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_POWERDISSIPATION | Overloaded. Max. power dissipation # 22074. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PRESSURE | Overloaded. Max. working pressure # 22124. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PRESSURE_FULL | Overloaded. Max. working pressure (full) # 22230. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_PRESSURELEVEL | Overloaded. Nominal pressure level # 22226. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PRICEUNIT | Overloaded. Price unit # 22043. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PRODUCTGROUP | Overloaded. Product group # 22041. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PRODUCTSUBGROUP | Overloaded. Product subgroup # 22028. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PRODUCTTOPGROUP | Overloaded. Generic product group # 22138. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PROFILEDEPTH | Overloaded. Profile horizontal: Depth # 22188. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PROFILEDISTANCE | Overloaded. Adjoining distance # 22191. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PROFILEHEIGHT | Overloaded. Profile horizontal: Height # 22187. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PURCHASEPRICE_1 | Overloaded. Purchase price/price unit Currency 1 # 22109. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_PURCHASEPRICE_2 | Overloaded. Purchase price/price unit Currency 2 # 22110. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_QUANTITYUNIT | Overloaded. Quantity unit # 22042. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_RAILCROSSSECTION | Overloaded. Rail cross-section # 22271. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_RAILMATERIAL | Overloaded. Rail material # 22272. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REARPANELDISTANCE | Overloaded. Distance rear panel # 22173. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REARPANELDPEPTH | Overloaded. Rear panel: Depth # 22174. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REARPANELPROJECTIONBOTTOM | Overloaded. Overhang: Rear panel bottom # 22172. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REARPANELPROJECTIONLEFT | Overloaded. Overhang: Rear panel left # 22169. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REARPANELPROJECTIONRIGHT | Overloaded. Overhang: Rear panel right # 22170. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REARPANELPROJECTIONTOP | Overloaded. Overhang: Rear panel top # 22171. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REF_CONSTRUCTION_NAME | Overloaded. Drilling pattern # 22217. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REF_TERMINAL_NAME | Overloaded. Connection point pattern # 22941. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REF_TERMINAL_OFFSET_X | Overloaded. Connection point pattern: Offset X-direction # 22277. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REF_TERMINAL_OFFSET_Y | Overloaded. Connection point pattern: Offset Y-direction # 22278. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REPORT_IDENTIFIER | Overloaded. Identifier for reports # 22214. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_REPORT_SYMBOL | Overloaded. Symbol for reports # 22228. |
| ARTICLE_SALESPRICE_1 | Overloaded. Sales price Currency 1 # 22107. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SALESPRICE_2 | Overloaded. Sales price Currency 2 # 22108. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SHORTCIRCUITRESISTANT | Overloaded. Short-circuit proof # 22115. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SIDEPANELDEPTH | Overloaded. Side panel: Depth # 22168. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SIDEPANELDISTANCE | Overloaded. Distance side panel # 22167. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SIDEPANELPROJECTIONBACK | Overloaded. Overhang: Side panel back # 22164. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SIDEPANELPROJECTIONBOTTOM | Overloaded. Overhang: Side panel bottom # 22166. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SIDEPANELPROJECTIONFRONT | Overloaded. Overhang: Side panel front # 22163. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SIDEPANELPROJECTIONTOP | Overloaded. Overhang: Side panel top # 22165. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SLOT_GAP | Overloaded. Slot width # 22286. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SNAPHEIGHT | Overloaded. Clip-on height # 22211. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SPACING_ABOVE | Overloaded. Mounting clearance Height: Above # 22154. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SPACING_BELOW | Overloaded. Mounting clearance Height: Below # 22155. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SPACING_FRONT | Overloaded. Mounting clearance Depth: Front # 22156. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SPACING_LEFT | Overloaded. Mounting clearance Width: Left # 22152. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SPACING_REAR | Overloaded. Mounting clearance Depth: Rear # 22157. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SPACING_RIGHT | Overloaded. Mounting clearance Width: Right # 22153. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SPARE | Overloaded. Spare part # 22140. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_STANDARDINVERS | Overloaded. Plugs: Standard / inverse # 22098. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_STRESS | Overloaded. Stress # 22143. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_STROKELENGTH | Overloaded. Length of stroke # 22129. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_COOLING | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Cooling' # 22196. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_COOLINGLUBRICANT | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Cooling lubricant' # 22265. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_ELECTRICAL | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Electrical engineering' # 22077. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_FLUID_UNDEFINED | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Fluid power (undefined)' # 22267. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_GASTECHNOLOGY | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Gas engineering' # 22266. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_HYDRAULICS | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Hydraulics' # 22158. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_LUBRICATION | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Lubrication' # 22195. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_MECHANICS | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Mechanics' # 22094. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_PNEUMATICS | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Pneumatics' # 22159. |
| ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_PROCESS | Overloaded. Subtrade 'Process engineering' # 22197. |
| ARTICLE_SUPPLIER | Overloaded. Supplier # 22008. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_SUPPLIER_NAME | Overloaded. Supplier name # 22223. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_TAB_WIDTH | Overloaded. Finger width # 22285. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENT | Overloaded. Temperature coefficient # 22274. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TERMINALSIZE_DESTINATION | Overloaded. Connection dimension target # 22282. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TERMINALSIZE_SOURCE | Overloaded. Connection dimension source # 22281. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_THREAD | Overloaded. Thread # 22127. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TOPPANELDISTANCE | Overloaded. Distance cover # 22179. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TOPPANELDPEPTH | Overloaded. Cover: Depth # 22180. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TOPPANELPROJECTIONBACK | Overloaded. Overhang: Cover back # 22178. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TOPPANELPROJECTIONFRONT | Overloaded. Overhang: Cover front # 22177. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TOPPANELPROJECTIONLEFT | Overloaded. Overhang: Cover left # 22175. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TOPPANELPROJECTIONRIGHT | Overloaded. Overhang: Cover right # 22176. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TRIGGERCURRENT | Overloaded. Tripping current # 22075. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_TYPENR | Overloaded. Type number # 22002. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_UNIQUEID | Overloaded. Unique part ID # 22060. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_USAGE | Overloaded. Procurement # 22144. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_VARIANT | Overloaded. Variant # 22024. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_VOLTAGE | Overloaded. Voltage # 22033. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_VOLTAGECSA | Overloaded. Terminals: Voltage CSA # 22093. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_VOLTAGEIEC | Overloaded. Terminals: Voltage IEC # 22089. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_VOLTAGETYPE | Overloaded. Voltage type # 22070. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_VOLTAGEUL | Overloaded. Terminals: Voltage UL # 22091. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_VPROFILEDPETH | Overloaded. Profile vertical: Depth # 22190. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_VPROFILEWIDTH | Overloaded. Profile vertical: Width # 22189. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WALLTHICKNESS | Overloaded. Wall thickness # 22216. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WEAR | Overloaded. Wearing part # 22139. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WEIGHT | Overloaded. Weight # 22046. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WEIGHT_DISPLAY_UNIT | Overloaded. Weight in displayed unit # 22059. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_WEIGHT_FULL | Overloaded. Weight (full) # 22233. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| ARTICLE_WIDTH | Overloaded. Width # 22013. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WIDTHBOTTOM | Overloaded. Width bottom # 22199. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WIDTHRATING | Overloaded. Nominal width # 22225. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WIDTHTOP | Overloaded. Width top # 22198. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WIRECROSSSECTION_AND_DIAMETER | Overloaded. No. of connections and cross-section / diameter # 22069. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WIRECROSSSECTION_UNIT | Overloaded. Unit for connection cross-section / diameter # 22068. This property isn't indexed. |
| ARTICLE_WIRETYPE | Overloaded. Connection type # 22254. This property isn't indexed. |
| ExistingIds | Returns array of MDPropertyValue objects. If PropertiesAndHandleObjectPropertyList works on local property list it will be an array of unique properties from local property list. Otherwise it will be an array of all existing properties for related object. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.MasterData.PropertiesAndHandleObjectPropertyList) |
| MESSAGEMGMT_MESSAGES | Overloaded. Messages in message management # 20930. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| Parent | PropertiesAndHandleObject to which this property list is connected. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.MasterData.PropertiesAndHandleObjectPropertyList) |
| PART_ACCESSORYLIST_CREATE | Overloaded. Creator / Creation date (accessory list) # 22936. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ACCESSORYLIST_DESCRIPTION | Overloaded. Description (Accessory list) # 22959. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ACCESSORYLIST_LASTCHANGE | Overloaded. Last editor / Modification date (accessory list) # 22958. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ACCESSORYLIST_NAME | Overloaded. Name (accessory list) # 22960. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ACCESSORYPLACEMENT_CREATE | Overloaded. Creator / Creation date (accessory placement) # 22972. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ACCESSORYPLACEMENT_DESCRIPTION | Overloaded. Description (accessory placement) # 22974. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ACCESSORYPLACEMENT_LASTCHANGE | Overloaded. Last editor / Modification date (accessory placement) # 22973. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ACCESSORYPLACEMENT_NAME | Overloaded. Name (accessory placement) # 22970. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ADDRESS_EMAIL | Overloaded. E-mail # 22920. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ADDRESS_FAX | Overloaded. Fax # 22923. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ADDRESS_LASTCHANGE | Overloaded. Last editor / Modification date (address) # 22937. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ADDRESS_LONGNAME | Overloaded. Full name # 22908. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ADDRESS_NAME1 | Overloaded. Name 1 # 22910. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ADDRESS_NAME2 | Overloaded. Name 2 # 22911. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ADDRESS_NAME3 | Overloaded. Name 3 # 22912. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ADDRESS_NOTE | Overloaded. Description (address) # 22922. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ADDRESS_NUMBER | Overloaded. Customer number # 22921. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ADDRESS_PHONE | Overloaded. Phone # 22919. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ADDRESS_POBOX | Overloaded. P.O. box # 22917. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ADDRESS_SHORTNAME | Overloaded. Short name # 22900. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ADDRESS_STATE | Overloaded. Country # 22918. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ADDRESS_STREET | Overloaded. Street # 22913. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ADDRESS_TITLE | Overloaded. Title # 22909. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ADDRESS_TOWN | Overloaded. City # 22915. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ADDRESS_ZIPPOBOX | Overloaded. Zip code (P.O. box) # 22916. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_ADDRESS_ZIPTOWN | Overloaded. Zip code (City) # 22914. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_CONSTRUCTION_CREATE | Overloaded. Creator / Creation date (drilling pattern) # 22939. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_CONSTRUCTION_DESCRIPTION | Overloaded. Description (Drilling pattern) # 22930. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_CONSTRUCTION_LASTCHANGE | Overloaded. Last editor / Modification date (drilling pattern) # 22938. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_CONSTRUCTION_NAME | Overloaded. Name # 22931. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_CONSTRUCTION_VARIANT | Overloaded. Drilling pattern variant # 22932. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_CREATE | Overloaded. Creator / Creation date # 22902. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_CREATE_DATE | Overloaded. Creation date # 22983. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_CREATE_USER | Overloaded. Creator # 22982. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_LASTCHANGE | Overloaded. Last editor / Modification date # 22901. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_LASTCHANGE_DATE | Overloaded. Modification date # 22981. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_LASTCHANGE_USER | Overloaded. Last editor # 22980. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_TERMINAL_ADDITIONALLENGTHDEFAULT | Overloaded. Additional length (default) # 22942. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_TERMINAL_CREATE | Overloaded. Creator / Creation date (connection point pattern) # 22943. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_TERMINAL_DESCRIPTION | Overloaded. Description (Connection point pattern) # 22946. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_TERMINAL_DIRECTION | Overloaded. Routing direction (default) # 22948. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_TERMINAL_LASTCHANGE | Overloaded. Last editor / Modification date (connection point pattern) # 22944. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_TERMINAL_NAME | Overloaded. Name (connection point pattern) # 22945. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_TERMINAL_TERMINALSIZE_DEFAULT | Overloaded. Connection dimension (default) # 22969. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_TERMINAL_TYPEDEFAULT | Overloaded. Wire termination processing (EPLAN Cabinet, default) # 22947. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_TERMINAL_TYPEOFTERMINAL_DEFAULT | Overloaded. Connection category (default) # 22968. This property isn't indexed. |
| PART_USED_AS_ACCESSORY_FILTER | Overloaded. Part number in accessory # 22963. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| PART_USED_IN_ASSEMBLY_FILTER | Overloaded. Part number in assembly # 22967. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| PART_USED_IN_MODULE_FILTER | Overloaded. Part number in module # 22966. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| Property | Method used by operator[] in order to access indexed properties. |