This functionality is only available for certain module packages.

Model variables for Pro Panel

In order to work with EPLAN Pro Panel, it must be possible to access the parts database. There are corresponding methods for this in the formula language, as well as the following model variables.

The advantage of model variables is that SQL databases can be addressed as well, and the required data can be determined before generation begins.


These model variables are not assigned to parameter names, but the required values are directly entered.

The P8 options for the P8 image directory and the P8 macro directory can be overridden by EEC.

To this purpose parameter names are to be specified for these model variables that must be contained in the component of the WiringDiagram type. The values of the parameters contain the P8 image directory or the P8 macro directory respectively. These parameter values are then used during the generation of the Pro Panel data.

See also: