This functionality is only available for certain module packages.


Cuts-out can be placed on every mounting surface. It is possible to choose between pre-defined and free forms for cut-outs that are equated with the following numbers:

Number Cut-out form
1 Drill hole
2 Threaded hole
3 Rectangle
4 Slotted hole
5 Hexagon
6 Octagon
7 User-defined
8 Drilling pattern

The number and dimension specifications is specified as a key-value pair of a Map with the SupplementaryMap parameter.

Syntax for SupplementaryMap:

	Pair{'type', <number>},
	Pair{'<dimension 1>',<value>},
	Pair{'<dimension 2>',<value>}

The relative position to a superior element is specified with the parameter MateMap, Coordinate or Mate.

Syntax for MateMap:

	Pair{'dest','<plane>:<mate of plane>'},

Syntax for Coordinate:


Syntax for Mate (observe the order!):

=List{<handle>,<plane>:<mate of plane>,<angle>,<x-offset>,<y-offset>}

Definition of a drill hole:

Parameter Value
Coordinate =List{<X-coordinate>,<Y-coordinate>}
SupplementaryMap =Map{Pair{'type',1},Pair{'diameter',<value>}}

Definition of a threaded hole:

Parameter Value
Coordinate =List{<X-coordinate>,<Y-coordinate>}
SupplementaryMap =Map{Pair{'type',2},Pair{'diameter',<value>}}

Definition of a rectangle:

Parameter Value
Coordinate =List{<X-coordinate>,<Y-coordinate>}
SupplementaryMap =Map{Pair{'type',3},Pair{'width',<value>},Pair{'height',<value>}}

Definition of a rectangle with rounded corners:

Parameter Value
Coordinate =List{<X-coordinate>,<Y-coordinate>}
SupplementaryMap =Map{Pair{'type',3},Pair{'width',<value>},Pair{'height',<value>},Pair{'radius',<value>}}

Definition of a rectangle with chamfer:

Parameter Value
Coordinate =List{<X-coordinate>,<Y-coordinate>}
SupplementaryMap =Map{Pair{'type',3},Pair{'width',<value>},Pair{'height',<value>},Pair{'chamfer distance',<value>}}

Definition of a slotted hole:

Parameter Value
Coordinate =List{<X-coordinate>,<Y-coordinate>}
SupplementaryMap =Map{Pair{'type',4},Pair{'length',<value>},Pair{'height',<value>}}

Definition of a hexagon:

Parameter Value
Coordinate =List{<X-coordinate>,<Y-coordinate>}
SupplementaryMap =Map{Pair{'type',5},Pair{'edge length',<value>}}

Definition of an octagon:

Parameter Value
Coordinate =List{<X-coordinate>,<Y-coordinate>}
SupplementaryMap =Map{Pair{'type',6},Pair{'edge length',<value>}}

Definition of a user-defined cut-out:

Parameter Value
Coordinate =List{<X-coordinate>,<Y-coordinate>}
SupplementaryMap =Map{Pair{'type',7},Pair{'pattern',<path to file>}}

Definition of a drilling pattern:

Parameter Value
Coordinate =List{<X-coordinate>,<Y-coordinate>}
SupplementaryMap =Map{Pair{'type',8},Pair{'pattern',<pattern name>}


EEC supports parts with variants of drilling patterns To this purpose a parameter of the type DrillingPatternVariant is to be created. The parameter must be included in the discipline component. The value of the parameter is the name of the drilling pattern variant.