This functionality is only available for certain module packages.


The <columnFilter> element configures one filter per table column within <pureTable>.

The attribute filter determines the values to be filtered.

Attribute name Usage Attribute values Default value Description
caseSensitive optional true, false true Controls consideration of case sensitivity for filtering
true = case-sensitive filtering is considered
false = case-sensitive filtering is not considered
filter required for type="text" Defines the filter text: The wildcards * and ? can be used in the usual manner. The < filters strings which reach up to this character.
type optional text
text text = creates underneath the header row a filter for free text.
combo = creates, underneath the header row, a filter as a drop-down list box, which contains all the values of the respective column.
style optional default, multi default Shows the possible filter values in a drop-down list box.
default = shows the possible filter values in a drop-down list box
multi = shows the possible filter values in a drop-down list box with check boxes
Allowed sub-elements Quantity

Table with filter whose values are selected in a drop-down list box:

The following example shows a table, which lists the name of the circular transfer system and, of its components of type 'Pfuderer_ModularSystem.Mechatronic.SensorsActuators.Base.SensorActuator', the parameters Place and Name. The number of displayed items is limited by selection of filters in drop-down list boxes.

Table with filter values in a drop-down list box which are selectable by check boxes:

The following example shows a table, which lists the name of the circular transfer system and, of its components of type 'Pfuderer_ModularSystem.Mechatronic.SensorsActuators.Base.SensorActuator', the parameters Place and Name. The number of displayed items is limited by selection of filters in drop-down list boxes with check boxes.

Filter searches strings with limited length

The following tables show how the sign < in a filter definition for pureTable is configured, in order to filter strings which only reach until to a specific character. The following figure shows the unfiltered results on the left side and the filtered results on the right side.

Filter searches strings considering case sensitivity

The following table shows how considering the case-sensitivity influences the number of filtered values.

Text in header is broken with \n at any point

The following tables show how the text in a header is broken by \n.