This functionality is only available for certain module packages.


By means of the Form-UI element <group>, the elements nested by this tag are grouped.

Attribute name Usage Attribute values Default value Description
bColor optional 0,0,0 to 255,255,255 System color Background color as RGB value
expanded optional true, false true true = group is expanded at start
true = group is collapsed at start
font optional Font name-style-size System font Font name, style, and size for displaying text
hSize optional Width of the element
EEC = width in characters
Web application = width in pixels
hSizeMax optional maximum width of the element
EEC = width in characters
Web application = width in pixels
hSizeMaxPx optional maximum width of the element in pixels
hSizeMin optional minimum width of the element
EEC = minimum width in characters
Web application = minimum width in pixels
hSizeMinPx optional minimum width of the element
EEC = minimum width in pixels
Web application = minimum width in pixels
readonly optional true, false true = Group is read-only.
false = Input can be written to the group.
title required any Text of the title
twistie optional true, false true true = expanding and collapsing is active
false = expanding and collapsing is inactive
visible optional true, false true true = Form-UI is visible in the list of Form-UIs
false = Form-UI is invisible in the list of Form-UIs
vSize optional Height of the element
EEC = height in characters
Web application = height in pixels
vSizeMax optional maximum height of the element
EEC = maximum height in characters
Web application = maximum height in pixels
vSizeMaxPx optional maximum height of the element
EEC = maximum height in pixels
Web application = maximum height in pixels
vSizeMin optional minimum height of the element
EEC = minimum height in characters
Web application = minimum height in pixels
vSizeMinPx optional minimum height of the element
EEC = minimum height in pixels
Web application = minimum height in pixels
Allowed sub-elements Quantity
action any
group any
img any
include any
input any
instantiation any
label any
line any
loop any
open any
progressBar any
table any

Groups with the attribute twistie can be expanded and collapsed, to improve the overview within a Form-UI. To expand and collapse you have to click on the triangle, that is displayed at the left border (see the following figure). The triangle with the tip down (2) marks a group that can be expanded, a triangle with the tip right marks a collapsed one. Groups without the attribute twistie or with twistie="false" are always displayed in expanded manner and cannot be collapsed (3).

The attribute expanded controls the appearance of a group whilst opening a Form-UI. If the value is true, then the group is expanded whilst opening, if the value is false, then it is collapsed.