This functionality is only available for certain module packages.

date(String format)

Current date in date format specified by <format>. The date format is specified by combinations of letters.

h hours in 12 hour format

H hours in 24 hour format

a AM/PM mark

m minutes

s seconds

S milliseconds

d day of the month

D day of the year

E weekday

w week of the year

W week of the month

M month

y year with two digits

z time zone verbal (e.g.: CET)

Z time zone in +/- hour format (e.g.: +0100)

Moreover, the frequency of particular letters will affect the format:

E weekday in short (e.g.: Mo)

EEEE weekday in full (e.g.: Monday)

M month with one digit (e.g.: 1,5,10)

MM month with two digits (e.g.: 01,05,10)

MMM month in short (e.g.: Jan, May, Oct)

MMMM month in full (e.g.: January, May, October)

yy year with two digits

yyyy year with four digits

zzzz time zone in full (e.g.: Central European Time)

In addition to these letters any character may be used in the data format. The formatting characters must be quoted (e.g.: '\'CW\' w')

If <format> is omitted, the current date in standard date format 'dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:s:S' is returned.

date(String format)
Argument String format Date format
Return value String Formatted date