This functionality is only available for certain module packages.

addInfo(CauseType causeType, Object reportingInstance, String causeObjectID, String topic, String message)

Adds to the UMC information of the causeType type of the reportingInstance object with the topic title and the message text message.

addInfo(CauseType causeType, Object reportingInstance, String causeObjectID, String topic, String message)
Argument CauseType causeType Message type.
CauseType.LIBRARY = appears in the Console and the Message log view.
CauseType.PROJECT = appears in the Console and the Message log view. In addition, a message window opens that displays the message by way of a Form-UI.
Object reportingInstance The object causing the error and/or reporting the error.
String causeObjectID Currently null; is set aside for future extensions.
String topic The message title. Is used both as the title in the message window and the identifier for the logger.
String message The message text.
Return value Boolean true or false