This functionality is only available for certain module packages.

Entering values for placement

Entries for Plug and Socket specify where in the discipline structure a component may be installed.

A unique value must still be provided for the Id parameter, in order to ensure that the subordinate components are installed on the right surface of a superordinate component, e.g. on the front of the mounting plate.

Enter the value for the Id parameter for the installed MountingPanel and Plane components:

  1. Open the Feeder library component.
  2. Open the installed MountingPanel component.
  3. For the Id parameter, enter the value 15100.3.1;0;0.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the installed Plane component and the value 16000.1.2;10002;0.

Coordinate specifications are likewise lacking for the placement of the wire ducts and mounting rails.

Enter the coordinate specifications for the placement of the wire ducts and mounting rails:

  1. Open the Feeder library component.
  2. Open the installed TS35_7_5Top component.
  3. For the Coordinate parameter, enter the value =List{60.0,302.5}.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the following installed components:
Component Parameter Value
TS35_7_5Bottom Coordinate =List{60.0,112.5}
KK3060Left Coordinate =List{60.0,25.0}
KK3060Right Coordinate =List{449.0,25.0}
KK3040Top Coordinate =List{60.0,405.0}
KK3040Middle Coordinate =List{60.0,195.0}
KK3040Bottom Coordinate =List{60.0,25.0}

The components that are positioned on the mounting rail should maintain a gap of 20.0 mm from the left edge. Furthermore, a gap the width of the PLC should be maintained between the terminal block with line voltage and the terminal block of the sensor connection points. The ordering of the endblocks and terminal clamps also has to be entered here.

  1. Open the Feeder library component.
  2. Open the installed PowerSupply_PxC_2938581 component.
  3. For the Coordinate parameter, enter the value =List{20,0}.
  4. Open the installed EndBracket_PxC_3022276 component.
  5. For the Coordinate parameter, enter the value =List{20,0}.
  6. For the Position parameter, enter the value 100.
  7. Repeat step 6 for the L1, N, PE and EndBracket_PxC_30222762components.
  8. Open the installed EndBracket_PxC_30222763 component.
  9. For the Position parameter, enter the value 200.
  10. Enter the following formula for the Mate parameter:
=List{'M4','M2', mc.mos('T_Mechatronic_ModularSystem.ECAD.ProPanel.PxC_IL_PB_DP').select(x|x.parameter('EPN').value='PXC.2862246').first.parameter('Width').value}

Explanation of the formula:

The Mate parameter describes a placement relative to the parent component. Here the distance from the left terminal group to the right terminal group is to be determined. This corresponds to the width of the PLC CPU. The arguments are supplied as a list via List{‘Source handle','Destination mounting point’,Distance}. The M4 argument is the left handle of the component to be positioned and M2 is the right mounting point of the parent component. The formula uses mc to determine the superordinate mechatronic component and creates a collection of all components that correspond to the type in the bracket (PxC_IL_PB_DP) via mos('T_Mechatronic_ModularSystem.ECAD.ProPanel.PxC_IL_PB_DP'). This collection is searched via select(x|x.parameter('EPN').value='PXC.2862246').first for the first component whose EPN parameter has a value of PXC.2862246. The value for the width is then determined from this component using parameter('Width').value. This width is the third argument (distance) in the list.

  1. Open the installed EndBracket_PxC_30222764 component.
  2. For the Position parameter, enter the value 400.