EPLAN News 2.8

Display of the Conflict Dialog for the Part Selection from the Second Part

In EPLAN Version 2.7 the Conflict dialog for a part selection was only shown for the first part of a device. Now the conflict dialog is also opened for a new part selection for the further assigned parts of a device, if the part reference data (for example order number, manufacturer, etc.) differs for the already assigned part and the newly selected part.

Since the technical properties (such as the technical characteristics, connection point designations, etc.) are only transferred for the first part, a "reduced" conflict dialog is shown in this case. Here only the different part reference data are listed. You can recognize for which part the conflict dialog was opened on the basis of an index number shown in the Property column.


The conflict dialog for the other parts allows you to decide for the respective part selection whether the part reference data are kept or overwritten. This way you can for example also retain the manually inserted part reference data (for example service time) for other parts when changing a part.