EPLAN News 2.8

DT Adoption "Only from boxes" as Plot Frame Property

If you wanted o prevent the DT adoption and only wanted to allow it for surrounding boxes (black box, PLC box), this was previously only possible for individual functions. To do this you needed to set the "Only from boxes" value at the respective function for the DT adoption: Search direction property.

The plot frame property DT adoption: Only from boxes (ID 12105) is now available to also restrict the search direction of the DT adoption for complete project pages. If this property is activated, the DT is only adopted from the box surrounding the function (black box, PLC box) on the corresponding project pages. If the function is not located in a box, no DT can be adopted.


By means of the new plot frame property DT adoption: Only from boxes the visible DT is always displayed at the inserted functions - if the online numbering is activated. This ensures that during graphical actions, such as moving, the complete DT does not change, for example, because a function was accidentally assigned to another device.

See also