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Parts Management: Importing Parts Data to the eCl@ss Standard

eCl@ss is a standardized, cross-trade classification system for product groups, product characteristics and services with the aim of simplifying electronic trading of classified products.

Since Version 2.6 the EPLAN Platform supports the importing of parts data into the parts management in accordance with the eCl@ss standard "eCl@ss 9.0". The XML-based format "BMEcat" is used for this import. The supported version "BMEcat 2005.1" allows, for example, importing of multilanguage data.

In order to import data to the eCl@ss classification, the Import records dialog includes the ""eCl@ss 9.0 (BMEcat 2005.1)" file type. (To open this dialog select the menu path [Extras] > Import in the parts management.)

Importing is carried out by means of a scheme that you select in the subsequent dialog. The assignment of eCl@ss groups and eCl@ss properties to product groups and part properties of the EPLAN parts management are configured in this scheme.