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Copying and Scaling Symbol Library

Use this dialog to specify which symbol library is to be copied and then scaled, as well as the properties of the libraries to be generated.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Symbol library (source):

This field displays the EPLAN symbol library to be scaled.

You can use the Insert path variable popup menu item to branch to the dialog Select path variable where you can select one of the available path variables.

Grid dimension (source):

This field displays the grid dimension of the symbol library given in the top field. The entry cannot be modified.

Symbol library (target):

Enter in this field the name of the symbol library to be generated. Click [...] to open the Open dialog and select an existing symbol library.

You can use the Insert path variable popup menu item to branch to the dialog Select path variable where you can select one of the available path variables.

Grid dimension (target):

Here, enter the grid dimension (in mm) for the new symbol library to be generated.

Free texts and property placements:

In this group box, specify the scaling options for free texts and property placements:

Popup menu:

The popup menu provides - depending on the field type (date, integer, multilingual, etc.) - the following menu items: