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Assigning a Form to a Report Type

Before you can generate reports based on Report types you must assign a form to the report type. Forms for reports are provided with EPLAN as standard.


  • You have opened a project.
  • You have a form which matches a report type.
  1. Select the following commands: Tab Tools > Command group Reports > Generate.
  2. Select [Settings] > Output to pages.
  3. In the Report type column, decide on a report type.
  4. In order to assign a form to the report type, click on the corresponding line in the Form column, and select "Browse" in the drop-down list

    EPLAN opens the Select form dialog and shows the directory defined in the settings as the form directory.
  5. To accept the selected form, click [Open].

    The form is now assigned to the report type.
  6. Click [OK].

See also