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Dialog Format

In this dialog you define the properties that are to be summarized in the block property or to be displayed in the automatic description text of the change tracking or at a segment in the pre-planning navigator or at an object in the tree view of a navigator.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Available format elements:

This field displays the available format elements. The format elements can be used partially for navigation and partially for property selection. Which actions are possible is indicated by a preceding icon.



You can select a property by double-clicking the format element.

Using the button (Next level), it is possible to go from the starting object to other objects connected to it and select indirect properties there.

You can select a property (by double-clicking) or navigate to other objects (via (Next level)).

Group of properties

If a target is found for a format element, the identifying name of the target is displayed in brackets behind the format element (for example full DT, full page name, etc.). Note that targets can only be found if a block property is defined for a concrete object - meaning, for example, not at the predefinition of block properties at the project or at a symbol. During the definition of user-defined block properties, targets are found if you have marked an object (for example a function in the schematic or in the device navigator) and then opened the Format dialog.

Click the sign to open the subordinate property groups. If you can access indirect properties of other objects from this object, the (Next level) button above the Navigation field is active. If you click this, the original property grouping is displayed once more – but these are now the (indirect) properties of the subsequent object! If a format group can be selected, then the (Move to the right) button is active. In the subsequent dialog, you then select a particular property and define the formatting for this.

When selecting a format element with a target that is located on a page, the position of this target on the respective page is displayed in the Graphical preview.

Depending on the object the properties are grouped differently:

The segment data property group (with properties of the segment) is furthermore available for objects such as "Page" and "Function: <...>".

A further property group is also available for the objects of the macro navigator such as "3D macro", "window macro" and "page macro". For the "Window macro" object this is, for example, the macro box property group (with properties of the associated macro box).

Selected format elements:

If you have selected and formatted format elements in the Available format elements field, they are displayed here. The selected format elements are displayed in table form with their designation, with their symbol (for example the property number at selected properties), with their schematic representation of the set format (for the preview) and - if available - with their value.

If you have opened the dialog Format starting from a marked object and a property is selected as the format element, the property values of this object are displayed in the Preview column.

The order in which the properties are listed determines the order in which the individual properties are displayed in the output of the block property. You can change the sequence using the arrow buttons on the toolbar.


This field displays the path leading to the selected property. The function definition of the starting function is displayed in the first row. In the case of a formatted project, the corresponding name of the format group is displayed. The steps through the available format elements that led to selection of the current property are displayed in the subsequent rows, for the format element highlighted in the Selected format elements field.


Using the buttons above the Navigation field, you can follow the path to indirectly referenced objects and back again.



(Next level)

Allows continuing from a starting object, going to objects connected to this object and examining the indirect properties there.

(Previous level)

Allows returning from an indirectly referenced object back to the starting object.


(Only for block property formats!)

If you have selected and formatted properties in the Available format elements field, a preview of the overall defined format is displayed here. The selected format elements are displayed with their symbolic representation and displayed in the order in which they appear in the list in the Selected format elements field. This field cannot be modified.

If you have opened the Format dialog starting from a marked object, the result determined for the marked object is also displayed here.

See also