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Extended Property Configuration in the Parts Management, in the Insert Center and in the Property Overview

In this version the configuration of the properties in the parts management, in the Insert center and in the property overview has been extended. Previously the configuration was the same for each selected part or each selected object, and a different display of properties was achieved by selecting a different scheme. Now several configurations are as a rule stored in a configuration scheme. The assignment to a desired object (part, function, etc.) and the definition of filters make it possible to always display the suitable properties for a selected object. For example, the property Cable type / Type designation that a PLC part does not require is relevant for a cable. A PLC part in turn has the property PLC type designation that is not required for a cable.


Through the "context-dependent" property configurations you obtain exactly the information that you require for a selected object (part, function, etc.). Irrelevant properties or data are no longer displayed. This results in faster and more efficient editing.

The use of configuration schemes and filters allows you to adapt the user interface to your specific requirements and work processes. This increases the flexibility of the system and makes it easier to adapt to changing requirements.

Instead of several "default" schemes for terminals, cables, etc., only one scheme with corresponding configurations is now required. The scope of the required master data is reduced as a result.

The table Configurations in the dialog Configure properties contains the property configurations of the selected scheme. The assigned object, the name and - if existing - the filter defined for the property configuration are displayed.

Determine property configuration

To add a new configuration, click the (New) button. To edit a configuration, select the corresponding line in the list and click the (Edit) button.

In the subsequent dialog you specify which properties are to be displayed for the configuration with the name specified here. By means of a defined filter you can specify that these configured properties, for example in the parts management at parts, are only displayed at a very specific product group or in the property overview at functions only at a very specific function definition.

Differences in the property configuration

Different schemes are used for the property configuration in the parts management, in the property overview and for the configuration of the representation in the Insert center. For these new property configurations we make corresponding standard schemes available in the master data.


The schemes of the previous versions are no longer compatible with Version 2025 due to the modification of the scheme technology for the property configurations in the parts management, in the property overview and for the configuration of the representation in the Insert center. Schemes that were exported with an older EPLAN version can therefore not be imported.

In contrast to the configuration in the parts management, different objects can be assigned to a configuration in the property overview (text, graphical element, component, etc.). This also applies to the configuration of the representation for the information area in the Insert center.

Modification for the tree configuration of the parts management

The new property configurations have been redesigned in the parts management in accordance with the model of the Tree configuration. Analog to the configuration in the dialog Configure properties the editing of a main node in the dialog Tree configuration now also only takes place via the button (Edit) and no longer via the button [...].

See also