Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.HEServices Namespace / Masterdata Class / prepareMacros Method
Group macro boxes with its contents: valid parameter values: "0" == do nothing, "1" == create groups. If not given, default is "1"
Group contents of a page macro: valid parameter values: "0" == do nothing, "1" == create groups. If not given, default is "0"
Set handle-checkbox active: valid parameter values: "0" == do nothing, "1" == activate handle-checkbox. If not given, default is "0"

In This Topic
    prepareMacros Method
    In This Topic
    Prepares and groups all elements belonging to a macro box


    Group macro boxes with its contents: valid parameter values: "0" == do nothing, "1" == create groups. If not given, default is "1"
    Group contents of a page macro: valid parameter values: "0" == do nothing, "1" == create groups. If not given, default is "0"
    Set handle-checkbox active: valid parameter values: "0" == do nothing, "1" == activate handle-checkbox. If not given, default is "0"
    See Also