Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.MasterData Namespace / MDPartsManagement Class / OpenDatabase Method / OpenDatabase() Method

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    OpenDatabase() Method
    In This Topic
    Opens the parts database configured in the settings.
    public MDPartsDatabase OpenDatabase()
    MDPartsDatabase^ OpenDatabase(); 
    OpenDatabase method does not automatically update a parts database from a previous to the current version. Databases in an older format will be opened read-only. You can check whether the database format is up-to-date by the property MDPartsDatabase.IsSchemeUpToDate and update it if needed by the method MDPartsDatabase.UpdateScheme(). Parts databases prior to version 2022 need to be upgraded / converted either manually or by the action XPamConvertPartDatabaseToArticleDatabaseAction /OldDatabase... /NewDatabase...
    See Also