Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.MasterData Namespace / MDPartsManagement Class / UpgradePartsDb Method / UpgradePartsDb(String) Method
Old database name. Full path to .mdb database or connection string to SQL database.

In This Topic
    UpgradePartsDb(String) Method
    In This Topic
    Upgrades parts database.
    public void UpgradePartsDb( 
       string strPartsDatabase
    void UpgradePartsDb( 
       String^ strPartsDatabase


    Old database name. Full path to .mdb database or connection string to SQL database.
    This method migrates SQL or .mdb databases from a format prior to v2022 to the current format.

    OpenDatabase method does not automatically update a parts database from a previous to the current version. Databases in an older format will be opened read-only. You can check whether the database format is up-to-date by the property MDPartsDatabase.IsSchemeUpToDate and update it if needed by the method MDPartsDatabase.UpdateScheme(). Parts databases prior to version 2022 need to be upgraded / converted either manually, using this method or by the action XPamConvertPartDatabaseToArticleDatabaseAction /OldDatabase... /NewDatabase...
    See Also