Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.HEServices Namespace / DeviceService Class / ImportDevicesText Method / ImportDevicesText(Project,String,String,String,Int32,Int32,FunctionDefinition,FunctionDefinition,ImportMode) Method
Project into which the devices will be imported.
Full file name of the devices file to import.
Name of the import scheme. If the scheme name is empty the last used scheme of the project will be used.
Char to separate column values of the text.
The position of the head line that will be used to asssign the column values at the import.
The count of head lines that will be skipped at the import.
Default Function Definition
Default Terminal Function Definition
The import mode can be a combination of the XPProcImportMode enum and controls the import action (in)(optional) eCreateMode = 1: The import create only missing device tags eChangeMode = 2: The import change only existing device tags eDeleteMode = 4: The import delete only unnecessary existing device tags

In This Topic
    ImportDevicesText(Project,String,String,String,Int32,Int32,FunctionDefinition,FunctionDefinition,ImportMode) Method
    In This Topic
    This function imports devices from an text file into a given project.


    Project into which the devices will be imported.
    Full file name of the devices file to import.
    Name of the import scheme. If the scheme name is empty the last used scheme of the project will be used.
    Char to separate column values of the text.
    The position of the head line that will be used to asssign the column values at the import.
    The count of head lines that will be skipped at the import.
    Default Function Definition
    Default Terminal Function Definition
    The import mode can be a combination of the XPProcImportMode enum and controls the import action (in)(optional) eCreateMode = 1: The import create only missing device tags eChangeMode = 2: The import change only existing device tags eDeleteMode = 4: The import delete only unnecessary existing device tags

    Return Value

    Result is returned as array of StorableObjects.
    Invalid parameters found.
    Null was passed to a parameter.
    The internal interface for importing devices could not be created.
    An error occurred during the import of devices. Please refer to the exception message.
    If new schema is not present old import method is used
    See Also