Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.E3D Namespace / Component Class / Create Method / Create(Project,Placement3D,String,String,Int32,List<Placement3D>) Method
Project to which this object will be assign. Can't be null.
Parent of just created component
Part number of article used to create this object. Can't be null or have zero length.
Part variant of article.
Variant number of macro which is used to create mesh of object.
list, that will be filled by additional created objects. may be null

In This Topic
    Create(Project,Placement3D,String,String,Int32,List<Placement3D>) Method
    In This Topic
    Creates not placed Component object from part with given variant of macro.


    Project to which this object will be assign. Can't be null.
    Parent of just created component
    Part number of article used to create this object. Can't be null or have zero length.
    Part variant of article.
    Variant number of macro which is used to create mesh of object.
    list, that will be filled by additional created objects. may be null

    Return Value

    The created Component.
    Thrown when param is null value. Check exception message for more info.
    Thrown if strArticleNr has zero length.
    Thrown when the component cannot be created.

    If strArticleVariant null or have zero length default part variant "1" is used.

    Variant number of macro is used only if it is defined for the part used to create object. Numeration of variants start from 0 which corresponds to the variant A, 1 is for variant B, ... . It is possible to pass also value -2 which forces the function to take first variant defined for the macro. Note that only variants for representation type ArticlePlacement3D are taken into account. If macro is defined for part but it does not contain a given variant then object will not be created.

    See Also