Connecting Points

Connecting points in the library's 2D window represent a vector which determines the position and rotation of the connector / special component symbol. A connecting point is used to define the distance of the symbol from the end of the longest connected wire in the nailboard or cable drawing. The end of the longest wire connects to the origin of the connecting point arrow, while the arrow head determines the orientation of the symbol. The connecting point is not displayed in the nailboard. The position of the symbol is determined by its relative position to the connecting point in the 2D library window. If the symbol is placed on the [0,0] coordinates, it is easy to determine the position of the connecting point via the [x,y] coordinates entry in the properties panel.

Connecting points have a Rotation property. The value determines the rotation of the symbol in the nailboard.


  • The connecting point is figuratively placed at the end of fanned-in wires, even if wires are fanned-out and point inwards alongside the axis of the bundle, or of stand-alone wires. The connectable object (connector, connectable object, terminal) symbol has the same position and rotation in relation to the connecting point as in the 2D library window.
  • The connecting point of a special component is figuratively placed into the center of the special component and points to the right alongside the horizontal special component axis. The special component symbol has the same position and rotation in relation to the connecting point as in the 2D library window.
  • Connecting points cannot be created, removed, or even renamed within the library's 2D window. Each connectable object / special component has exactly one connecting point.

See also


Special Electrical Components