Placing Connectable Object Tables

A connectable object table contains a summary of the connector's pins and the wires which are connected to it.

Once a connectable object table is placed, its location and dimensions can be changed by dragging the handlers (black squares). To change the overall size and shape of the table, drag the handler in the bottom right-hand corner. Use the handlers on top of the table to change the size of the columns and the handler in the title to change the position of the title. To move the whole table, grab it anywhere except for the handlers and drag it to a new location.

You can change various properties of the table by clicking on the [Edit] button in the properties panel's Advanced section; this will open the Table settings dialog where you can carry out the changes.

In the Columns group box of the Advanced section of the properties panel you can also determine the appearance of individual table columns. The [Fit] button, e.g., changes all the column widths so that text fits into them.

  1. Select the Insert > Connectable object table menu items or the button on the toolbar.
  2. Select a fan point (the end of a bundle or cable, if not preselected) by clicking.

    If there are more connectable objects passing through the fan point, a selection dialog is displayed.
  3. Click anywhere in the working window to place the table, or enter the X and Y coordinates of the table's upper left-hand corner in the command bar.
  4. Repeat the command by using the space bar or clicking the Place connectable object table button again, if desired.

See also