Placing Part Accessory Tables

Part accessory table lists all accessories linked to a particular part.

  1. Select the Insert > Part accessory table menu items or the button on the toolbar.
  2. Select a part that has accessories (if not preselected) by clicking.
  3. Click anywhere in the working window to place the table (usually next to the selected part), or enter the X and Y coordinates of the table's upper left-hand corner in the command bar.
  4. Repeat the command by using the space bar or clicking the Place part accessory table button again, if desired.


The following section describes the assembly / device behavior.

Break up in bill of materials

Prefer Assembly/Device symbol


All accessories under assembly / device and its sub-parts are visible in the Part accessory table.


Only accessories under the connectable object are visible in the table.


Only accessories under the assembly / device are visible.



The part accessory table is empty, even for connectable objects with accessories.