Connecting / Disconnecting Wires to / from Pins

The <Type of connections> editor generally serves for connecting wires to pins. Though it can appear with different captions (Special components editor, Grouped pin editor, Ribbon grouped pin editor, and Connection pin editor) according to the object for which it is launched, display and behavior are always the same.

The editor consists of the Unconnected wires and Connectable object sections.

The Unconnected wires section is a list of the wires which are currently connected to the special component, grouped pin, ribbon grouped pin, or connection pin, but not connected to any of its "virtual" pins.

The upper part of the Connectable object section represents a list of the available pins. Each pin is described with the Pin name and Color properties. The third column lists the wires currently connected to the pin; if several wires are connected to a single pin, they are separated by semicolons. The detailed list of these wires is displayed in the lower part of the editor: There, each wire is described with its Wire name, Color, Diameter and Opposite pin (the pin to which the second end of the wire is connected to) properties. Activating the Use one wire terminal for multiple wires check box allows to assign the same wire terminal to all the wires connected to one pin.

Use the [Add auxiliary pin] button to create an auxiliary pin for connecting spare wires; this will prevent the Tasks list from reporting unconnected wires. Of course, the auxiliary pin can be deleted later.

Connect wires to pins

  1. In the tree view or workspace / workdesk working window select a special component, an object below the connectable objects node, or a connection pin with connected wires.
  2. Click on the [Connections] button in the General section of the properties panel.

    The respective editor is launched.
  3. In the Connectable object section of the editor, select the pin you want to connect a wire to.
  4. In the Unconnected wires section select a wire, and click on the (Add wire) button (or double-click on the desired wire).
  5. Click [OK] to finish and exit the editor.

Disconnect wires from pins

  1. In the tree view or workspace / workdesk working window select a special component, an object below the connectable objects node, or a connection pin with connected wires.
  2. Click on the [Connections] button in the General section of the properties panel.

    The respective editor is launched.
  3. In the Connectable object section of the editor, select the pin you want to disconnect from a wire.
  4. Select a wire in the lower part of the Connectable object section, and click on the (Remove wire) button (or double-click on the desired wire).
  5. Click [OK] to finish and exit the editor.