A wire harness is an arrangement of wires and cables, usually with
many branches, which have been tied together or pulled into a rubber or plastic sheath, used to interconnect an electric circuit. Most EPLAN Harness proD components can be included in a wire harness.
A wire harness is not a physical object (i.e., it is not displayed in the bill of materials, you cannot buy it or work with it in "real life").
When you create a new wire harness, it is named according to the template under the Tools > Settings > Workspace / Workdesk > Name templates > Advanced menu items. Another important setting for wire harness creation is the AutoPropagate wire harness affiliation check box under the Tools > Settings > Workspace / Workdesk > Automatisms menu items. This setting determines whether the objects you insert into a wire harness will be placed there alone (deactivated option) or whether all other objects connected with this object will be included in the wire harness as well (for example wires connected to a connector).
A wire harness is also used to create groups of objects within a large number of interconnected objects so that each group can be viewed separately in the nailboard.
- Select the Insert > Add new wire harness menu items or the
button on the toolbar.
The wire harness is generated in the tree view.
- Select the object to be included in the wire harness by clicking.
- In the General section of the object-specific properties panel select a wire harness from the Wire harness drop-down list.
The object is assigned to the particular wire harness.