You have right-clicked on an area of the menu bar or a toolbar and selected the Customize popup menu item.
- You added an Action or a Menu item without an image file to a toolbar.
- In a toolbar you have double-clicked a button or selected the popup menu item Edit for a button, which is linked to an Action or a Menu without pre-defined image file.
In this dialog you can make settings for a button associated with an action or a menu item without an image file.
Overview of the main dialog elements:
In this field you can enter a description of the button for a selected Action. This description will be displayed later as a small text window when you move the mouse over the button.
For a Menu without a defined image file, this field cannot be edited.
The actions are controlled by a command row. This field displays an example entry for a selected Action. Adjust this to your needs. A question mark "?" in the command line stands for a replaceable placeholder.
For a Menu without a defined image file, this field cannot be edited.
Text in the command line for the action "insert symbol":
XEGActionInsertSymRef /SymbolLibName:? /SymbolId:? /VariantId:0
You opened a page. When you click the corresponding button, the Symbol selection dialog will open.
The placeholder "?" in the command line is replaced by concrete values:
XEGActionInsertSymRef /SymbolLibName:IEC_Symbol /SymbolId:30 /VariantId:0
With one click on the button, the "Terminal" symbol from the IEC_Symbol symbol library is attached to the mouse. You can place it directly into the page now.
In this field you select the image file that is to be assigned to the button. You can use [Add] / [Replace] to open a selection dialog where you can select the required image file / replace the currently selected image file. Only JPG / JPEG and BMP are possible as image file formats. The image files must be 16x16 pixels so they fit the size of the button. If you enter an invalid image file here, a standard image will be used for the button.
See also