More clearly structured "Assignment" tab
In order to structure the property dialog of the placeholder objects more clearly, the properties table of the Assignment tab no longer displays all the properties, but only the relevant selected properties.
The redesign of the Assignment tab makes creating and editing placeholder objects easier. The relevant and selected properties can be seen immediately without time-consuming searches.
The following figure shows a placeholder object on a page with the objects "Line", "Macro box" and "Safety fuse". For some of these properties objects have already been selected which have partially assigned variables.
The redesign of this tab leads to a different procedure for the creating and editing of new placeholder objects. When a new placeholder object is inserted, only the objects marked on the page / in the layout space and no properties are initially displayed in the table. The associated page or layout space is always displayed as the uppermost object in the table.
The two new buttons (New) and
(Delete) are available above the table in order to add the desired properties for a selected object or to remove them again for a new or an existing placeholder object.
To make the table with the properties clearer in their structure, the tree structure in the Properties column for functions and similar objects (interruption points, structure boxes, etc.) only still has two levels. The object type and the complete name are now displayed combined (for example "Safety fuse =A1+O1-F5:1"). At other objects such as pages or graphical elements that do not occur so often, the three-level structure is retained for the selected properties.
Reducing the number of displayed objects
The new check box Hide objects without selected properties can be used to reduce the number of displayed objects. If this check box is activated, only those objects for which a property is selected are still displayed in the table. An activation of the check box is not stored.
The check boxes that have become superfluous through the changed procedure, Only display properties with value in "Variable" column, Only display properties with value in "Current value" column and Page properties / Layout space properties have been removed.
Placeholder objects extended by display properties of graphical elements
At the graphical elements in placeholder objects it is now also possible to access some display properties that are located in the property dialog of the graphical elements below the "Format" hierarchy level. These are the properties Line thickness, Color, Invisible and Line type. Correspondingly configured value sets thus allow, for example, a rectangle to be set to invisible and the color of a line to be switched.
Preview for the placeholder object
The preview of the placeholder object is now always displayed. Instead of the previous check box for displaying and hiding the preview, the Enlarge section check box is now available. If this check box is activated, the section with the selected placeholder object and the associated objects is displayed larger.
Modifications in the "Values" tab
Some improvements have also been carried out at the Values tab:
- The variables and value sets can now also be added or deleted by using the corresponding buttons
(New) and
(Delete). Depending on which cell is selected, a variable or a value set is created or deleted. The value sets created by this means now have a consecutive number, which can be changed subsequently, as the value set name by default.
- You can influence the sequence of the value sets in the Values tab by using the added buttons
(Move to the left) and
(Move to the right).
- If you have entered a variable for a property on the Assignment tab, this variable is automatically available at a change to the Values tab.
- When the values are entered, the corresponding selection options are available, depending on the respective property to which the variable was assigned. This the case, for example at properties for the trade, for colors and for structure identifiers.
This makes the error-prone manual entry of the values (for example the entry of the respective color code such as "BK" for "Black" at the colors) at properties superfluous.
- The new column Modifiable allows you to specify for the variables whether the values can still be changed when selecting the value set. The modified dialog Select value set then provides a corresponding input option.
Specifying variables as "Modifiable" allows you to still change the values of a value set for these variables when selecting the value set. This allows you, for example, to adapt the structure identifiers of the associated objects while inserting macros with placeholder objects.
- As preparation for the last point all the structure identifiers of the functions, interruption points, structure boxes and pages can be accessed through the placeholders. The properties Name (visible) and Name (full) are now also available for interruption points and structure boxes.
See also