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Marking and Editing the Piping Route

In order to obtain a rapid overview of the extension of a piping in the P&I diagram a piping can be highlighted temporarily in color. The piping route can be edited by adding / removing autoconnect lines.

The currently selected piping is then colored according to the color you have defined for the potential tracking in the user settings. Autoconnect lines, which you can add to a piping, are colored in the color set for external symbols.


  1. Select the following menu items: Project data > Connections > Piping route
  2. Select a piping definition point.

    The autoconnect lines belonging to a piping are colored. Autoconnect lines which you can add to a piping are highlighted in a different color.

    The direction of flow is indicated by means of the arrowheads on the autoconnecting lines of the piping.

    Icons at the cursor show you if an autoconnect line can be added to or removed from a piping by a click:
  3. Cursor


    Piping route is activated

    The following three icons are displayed when the cursor is located exactly over an autoconnect line:

    Add autoconnect line of a piping

    Adding / removing an autoconnect line not allowed

    Remove autoconnect line from a piping

  4. Click an autoconnect line to add this connection to the piping or to remove it from the piping - depending on the displayed cursor.

    The connection point logic of the associated connection point is adapted automatically.
  5. If you want to extend the piping route manually beyond the component at which no suitable potential transfer is set in the connection point logic by default, press [Shift] and keep the key pressed.

    Further autoconnect lines are highlighted in color at the corresponding components that limit the piping.
  6. Select the desired autoconnect lines. By the addition of further autoconnect lines you can extend the piping route step-by-step to all the accessible connection points on the P&I diagram page.

    The connection point logic of the associated connection points is adapted automatically in the process.
  7. Exit the action by using the popup menu item Complete action / Complete the piping route or the [Blank] key.


See also