This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info / Copyright

Action: XMActionDCCommonExport




Project ID of a project (optional).
If nothing is entered, the parameter PROJECTNAME is used.


Project name with complete file path (optional).
If nothing is entered, the selected project will be used if the action is to be run over the user interface (e.g. via script or the toolbar). When executing from the Windows command line, PROJECTNAME must be specified or ProjectAction has to be used before that. Otherwise a system message will appear.


The complete project is exported, not just the objects that are selected (0 = no, 1 = yes).


Configuration scheme (optional).
Default value: most recently used configuration scheme. If no configuration scheme is specified, a dialog with a corresponding query is opened.


Language (e.g. en_US).


Target file in which the export results are saved.
The following formats are supported: txt, xls, xml. The format has to be specified in accordance with the file name extension specified in CONFIGSCHEME.


Output type: 0: Export, 1: Export and start application, 2: Edit in external application and reload.


After editing no query is displayed whether the data are to be imported. Optional, 0 = No, 1 = Yes. Default value: 0
Applies only for EXECUTIONMODE = 2.