This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info / Copyright

Action: import




Type of task that the action is to perform:
PXFPROJECT: Import EPJ project
DXFDWGFILES: Insert DXF / DWG drawings into macros
DXFPAGE: Insert DXF drawing into a page
DWGPAGE: Insert DWG drawing into a page
PDFCOMMENTS: Importing PDF comments into a project


Project name with complete file path.
Is required if the TYPE parameter has the following value: PDFCOMMENTS.
Is optional if the TYPE parameter has the following values: PXFPROJECT, DXFDWGFILES, DXFPAGE and DWGPAGE. If nothing is entered, the selected project will be used if the action is to be run over the user interface (e.g. via script or the toolbar). When executing from the Windows command line, PROJECTNAME must be specified or ProjectAction has to be used before that. Otherwise a system message will appear.


File path and name. Meaning of this parameter for the values of the TYPE parameter:
PXFPROJECT: File path and name of the file to be imported.
DXFPAGE, DWGPAGE, PDFCOMMENTS: File path and name of the file to be imported.


Directory containing the DXF / DWG files. Only applies for the value DXFDWGFILES of the TYPE parameter.


Target directory in which the imported projects and macros are saved. Only applies for the value DXFDWGFILES of the TYPE parameter.
If the directories stated for DESTINATIONPATH do not exist, they are generated during the import.


Name of the DXF / DWG import scheme (only name without full file path) (optional). Default value: most recently used scheme. If this parameter is not available or empty (""), then the most recently used scheme is used. Only applies to the following values of the TYPE parameter: DXFPAGE, DWGPAGE, DXFDWGFILES.


Name of the page in which the CAD drawing is to be inserted. Only applies to the values DXFPAGE and DWGPAGE of the TYPE parameter.


Scaling in X direction (optional). Default value: 1. Only applies to the values DXFPAGE and DWGPAGE of the TYPE parameter.


Scaling in Y direction (optional). Default value: 1. Only applies to the values DXFPAGE and DWGPAGE of the TYPE parameter.


Moving in X direction (optional). Default value: 0. Only applies to the values DXFPAGE and DWGPAGE of the TYPE parameter.


Moving in Y direction (optional). Default value: 0. Only applies to the values DXFPAGE and DWGPAGE of the TYPE parameter.