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Drawing Boxes as Polylines

Structure boxes, black boxes, PLC boxes, macro boxes and drilling pattern frames can also be drawn as polygons. The SPECIAL symbol library contains the following symbols for this purpose:


You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

  1. Select the menu item Insert > Symbol.
  2. Select the symbol for a box as polyline from the tree or list view of the SPECIAL symbol library, such as DC2 for a black box.
  3. Specify the starting point of the polyline and click the left mouse button.
  4. Specify the next points of the polyline, and click with the left mouse button each of the points to place.
  5. Select the Complete polyline popup menu item to finish drawing the box.
  6. Enter the box-specific device data in the Properties <...> dialog.
  7. Click [OK].


You can rapidly select the symbol for drawing a box as a polyline by selecting the respective menu items for inserting a box (for example Insert > Box / connection point / mounting panel > Black box) and subsequently pressing the [Backspace]. In the Symbol selection dialog the symbols are already filtered and only symbols with the same function category are displayed.


See also