You have opened a project.You have opened a project page in the graphical editor.
- Open the properties dialog for an interruption point, for example by double-clicking the interruption point.
- Enter the device tag that is to be displayed with the interruption point in the graphical editor in the Displayed DT field of the Interruption point tab in the dialog Properties <...>, or click [...] to open the dialog Place existing interruption point and there select an existing interruption point name.
- If required, in the Full DT field, click [...] to open the Full DT dialog and make changes to the full DT.
- If required, enter further properties in the Interruption point tab and in the other tabs.
- Click [OK].
By default a subordinate DT cannot be entered at interruption points. You can make this possible by changing the project structure for the entire project in the project properties and activating the Extended reference identification. To do so activate the Extended reference identification check box in the Structure tab. Subsequently the edit fields for the DT are displayed in a table in the Full DT dialog. The DT and the subordinate DT are entered in separate lines there.
See also
Specifying the Default Positions for the Interruption Point Description