On insertion of macros and cut or copied devices, you can decide if these schematic elements should be online numbered or not.
You have opened a project.
Specify numbering behavior before insertion
- Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > Numbering (online)
- In the On insertion of macros and copies group box, select the Do not modify option.
- Click [OK].
All the devices that you insert into the schematic via macros or copies are inserted unchanged. The original DTs are retained.
Specify numbering behavior on insertion
If you activate the numbering behavior prompt in the global settings, you can specify a different numbering behavior for devices in macros or copies at each insertion.
- Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > Numbering (online)
- In the On insertion of macros and copies group box, select the With prompt option.
- Click [OK].
- To insert your copy into the schematic page from the clipboard, select the menu items Edit > Insert.
- To insert a macro, select the menu items Insert > Window macro / symbol macro, select a macro from the dialog that opens, and click [Open].
The macro / copy hangs on the cursor.
- Move the cursor to the desired location on the schematic page.
- Click the page to place the copy / macro.
The Insertion mode dialog opens.
- Select the Do not modify option.
- Click [OK].
The macro / the copy is placed. The DT is retained unchanged.
See also
Specifying Online Numbering Format
Inserting New Devices Without a DT